Discover the therapeutic virtues of CBD
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To know the benefits of CBD, you first need to know what it is. CBD is short for cannabidiol, one of several cannabinoids, or chemical compounds, found in marijuana and hemp. You're probably already familiar with THC, another active compound found in cannabis and its main psychoactive component. But unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive. In other words, CBD doesn't get you high at all.
So, what exactly is CBD and what are its benefits? Cannabidiol is one of hundreds of chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. Many people report a feeling of relaxation and calm when taking it. Others swear by its health properties. For this reason, CBD has quickly gained a large number of followers.
A growing number of studies agree that CBD has many potential health benefits.
A 2011 study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology examined approximately fifty-two thousand participants. According to the study, obesity was a third lower among cannabis users. This is despite the fact that cannabis users are consuming more calories per day than usual. Research has shown that CBD can help boost weight loss. It would help the body convert white fat into slimming brown fat.
Many people suffer from skin problems. Antioxidants like vitamin C and E help. CBD is a more powerful antioxidant than these, so it may help with skin conditions. When applied topically, CBD can repair damage caused by free radicals like UV rays and other pollutants. Additionally, many people use cannabidiol to treat other skin conditions, from acne to psoriasis. Historical records show that people have used cannabis for centuries to heal wounds in animals and humans because it speeds up the skin's repair process.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has ranked depression first and anxiety sixth among factors contributing to disability. Indeed, millions of people suffer from clinical depression. It can be characterized by persistent sadness, decreased appetite, loss of interest, lack of energy, and the deadliest of all: suicidal thoughts.
To treat depression, doctors prescribe medications that target serotonin, a chemical messenger that can stabilize mood . Cannabis can also affect serotonin levels. However, even though THC can increase serotonin levels. It can also make things worse if not taken in the right dose.
Therefore, CBD is often preferred over cannabis, as it does not have psychoactive properties and may be a more effective treatment for depression. Several surveys and research carried out on animals and humans confirm this. They suggest that CBD oil is an effective antidepressant.
Another study conducted in 2016 stated: “Cannabidiol may represent a new rapid antidepressant drug, by enhancing both cortical serotonergic and glutamate signaling via a 5-HT1A receptor-dependent mechanism.”
Records of patients treated with cannabis have existed since -2900. However, cannabis is still illegal in most countries today. Fortunately, CBD, the chemical compound responsible for pain relief , is legal. Our body has a system called the Endocannabinoid System (ES). This system is responsible for regulating functions such as sleep, appetite, pain and immune system response.
When we use cannabidiol, our body produces endocannabinoids. These are neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors in our nervous system. Many studies indicate that CBD may be effective in reducing pain related to sclerosis, arthritis, and muscle spasms. This is likely due to the way cannabidiol interacts with our ES.
One study found that CBD oil prevented sebaceous gland cells from excreting excess sebum, which is one of the most common reasons for acne. Not only that, but the anti-inflammatory actions of cannabidiol also prevented the activation of pro-acne agents like inflammatory cytokines.
Because cannabidiol targets the endocannabinoid system, it potentially makes it very effective for people with neurological conditions. This is why a majority of ongoing studies are investigating the effects of CBD on neurological diseases, including epilepsy and multiple sclerosis.
A famous study found that CBD oil significantly reduced seizure activity in children with Dravet syndrome (a childhood seizure disorder). This led to the production of Epidiolex, an FDA-approved Cannabidiol drug.
Research has linked hypertension to certain heart conditions like stroke, heart attack or metabolic syndrome. To eliminate heart problems, you will first need to take care of high blood pressure.
A number of recent studies focus on CBD's potential to reduce blood pressure. Research indicates that CBD may be a natural and effective answer to high blood pressure.
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