Where does physical pain come from?

The sensation of pain is caused by physical, psychological or environmental factors, however it is completely subjective. One person can therefore feel pain more intensely than another for the same injury. When you feel pain, your body reacts and triggers immune and inflammatory responses.

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Inflammation is the response to offending agents (viruses or bacteria) attempting to spread through the body. Immune system sends inflammatory cells and cytokines to trap these offending agents and thus relieve the affected area. In some cases, you may see symptoms such as redness or swelling.

The inflammatory response is therefore a natural means of defense. It aims to first maintain and then restore the body to its optimal functioning state. Acute inflammation is the body's natural response to physical pain. It is supposed to protect the body against pathogens and other “invaders” to restore us and reduce pain more quickly. In the case of chronic illnesses, the inflammation can be painful, to the point of becoming harmful to the body. CBD may help reduce inflammation and so the pain.

Pain and inflammation are closely related, as inflammation often leads to pain. Inflammation is the body's natural immune response to injury, infection, or tissue damage. It involves the release of chemicals that cause blood vessels to dilate. It makes them more permeable, allowing immune cells to enter the affected area.

Blood flow

Increased blood flow and immune cell activity creates the sensation of pain. Thus, the affected area becomes swollen, red and painful. In some cases, inflammation can cause chronic pain. Effectively, the body continues to produce chemicals that sensitize nerve cells and cause persistent pain. Managing inflammation is often a key part of pain management. In this way, it should help relieve and promote rapid healing of the affected area.

Before seeing the potential of CBD for pain, we will first detail the different types of pain.

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is inflammation of the joints. Which leads to stiffness, pain, swelling and in severe cases, can also reduce mobility.

Despite the frequency of arthritis diagnoses, unfortunately there is no cure. Treatments to manage pain have advanced over the years. Even though most of them involve powerful medications. These present a high risk of dependence and unwanted side effects. CBD for treat arthritis pain is therefore considered an interesting alternative.

The main symptoms of arthritis are swelling and pain felt in one or more joints. They tend to get worse with age. The most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout.

Douleurs à la main liées à l'arthrite


Nicknamed “the disease of wear and tear,” osteoarthritis develops slowly and gets worse with age. Although it can affect any joint, the joints most affected by osteoarthritis are the spine, hips, hands and knees.

In osteoarthritis, the cartilage that cushions the connection between bones and joints gradually breaks down. The bone ends up rubbing against another bone. This disease can also affect the entire joint (the bone and connective tissue). This causes chronic pain, stiffness and disability.

Factors that increase the risk of osteoarthritis include genetics, aging, joint injuries, obesity, low bone density and also diabetes.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune and inflammatory disease. It occurs when the dysfunctional immune system attacks healthy cells in the joints. This causes an inflammatory response that leads to painful swelling around the area. The swelling and pain can be so drastic that it begins to wear down the joint itself, leading to deformity and disability.

RA mainly manifests itself in the form of joint pain. A true inflammatory disease, it can cause many other damages to the skin, kidneys and also the circulatory system.

Rheumatoid arthritis can affect anyone. However, it is more prevalent in women aged 35 to 60. Family history, smoking, obesity and also age increase the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis.


Gout is a form of arthritis that occurs when uric acid builds up in the blood. It forms crystals in the joints, causing inflammation and severe pain or a "gout attack."

The affected joints are usually the toes, ankles, knees, wrists, elbows and also the hands. The pain appears suddenly and can last up to 12 hours and develop into persistent pain for several weeks.

In healthy people, the kidneys can remove excess uric acid through urination. However, genetics, obesity, certain diets, excessive alcohol consumption and injuries can make some people more susceptible to gout attacks.

Joint pain

How we take care of our joints has a very significant impact on our mobility and overall quality of life, especially as we age. Healthy joints provide flexibility that allows our bodies to move in different ways. Although some degree of pain and joint degradation may be difficult to avoid, there are methods that help maintain joint health and therefore mobility. CBD is an interesting method to treat joint pain.

The Science of Joints and their Degradation

To put it simply, joints are where two bones meet. Our body is equipped with joints of different sizes/shapes that determine the direction and also the range of movement. Most joints are made up of a complex network of bones, cartilage, muscles, tendons, ligaments. Healthy joint function is determined by its ability to bear weight and thus function with maximum flexibility.

Despite our best efforts, we will all experience some form of joint discomfort during our lives. While conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are common causes (especially in older adults), many factors also contribute to joint pain and inflammation. Dehydration, poor food choices, vitamin deficiencies and overwork can all have a terrible impact on our joints. The good news is that we can take charge of the well-being of our joints! So let's take a closer look at what's good for joint health and some proven recommendations to help keep our joints supple and lubricated.

Tips for Maintaining Healthy Joints

Stay Active

Our joints were literally designed to move, so maintaining an active lifestyle and incorporating physical activity can reduce the risk of joint pain and stiffness in these areas. Low-impact exercises like stretching, walking or cycling will help relieve pressure as well as improve our range of motion.

Don't forget to incorporate a solid warm-up and cool-down routine! Strength training exercises can help strengthen muscles and increase bone density. Core-strengthening exercises can improve balance and stability, while weight-bearing exercises (like running, dancing, and weight training) can strengthen muscles and provide support and protection to our joints. Just be sure to follow some proven workout recovery tips to avoid any possible joint damage caused by physical activity and/or weight training.

Maintain Healthy Weight

Once your weight exceeds a certain threshold, it can cause serious problems for your joints, especially your knees. For example, when you walk on a flat surface, the force exerted on the knees is approximately 1½ times our body weight! In addition to these inherent risks, excess weight puts additional strain on the back, hips and feet. This can lead to swelling of the surrounding joint tissues, which can cause pain and also reduced mobility. By maintaining a healthy weight, you can limit the pressure placed on your joints and reduce the risk of chronic joint pain.

Maintain a healthy diet

There are countless benefits to maintaining a healthy, balanced diet. In addition to improving joint and bone health, diets rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains increase vitality and help us maintain our optimal healthy weight. Lean proteins like turkey and legumes help build muscle strength. Vitamin D and calcium support strong bones, and Omega 3 fatty acids can reduce joint inflammation. Foods like mackerel, salmon, chia seeds and nuts are rich in Omega3. Other options include berries, turmeric, green tea or green vegetables, all have properties that can reduce inflammation and also support muscle and joint health.

Stay hydrated

Our body needs water to stay hydrated as much as it needs food to survive! Hydration regulates body temperature, distributes nutrients, oxygen and also hormones throughout the body. It is essential for eliminating toxins and other “by-products”. Adequate hydration also helps keep muscles and joints well lubricated. Cartilage (malleable connective tissue that cushions joints) is made up of 80% water. Dehydration causes our bodies to extract water from cartilage and other parts of the body to compensate for the lack of water. This can therefore lead to serious joint damage. Also be sure to drink sufficient amounts of water to stimulate the production of synovial fluid (a thick fluid that lubricates cartilage and reduces friction and inflammation around joints).

Take care of your joints

Here are some other tips to keep in mind to maintain joints in good shape:

- Improving your posture can limit additional stress on the joints.

- Avoid repetitive movements, as they damage the joints over time.

- Avoid activities that can put your joints at risk, such as high impact activities or lifting heavy objects for a long period of time.

- As a general rule, it's always important to listen to your body and stop any activity that causes significant discomfort.

The Neck and Common Causes of Pain

A number of common activities can cause neck pain. Here are some of the common causes of neck pain.

Sleeping in an unusual position can cause neck pain that lasts all day or longer.

“Text Neck” or “Text Neck Syndrome” has become very common in our modern society. People adopt unhealthy postures by slumping in front of their computer screen and also their smartphone.

Driving or spending long periods of time in a car can cause stiffness in the neck and back, especially from prolonged sitting.

Stress and anxiety can also cause tension in the neck and shoulders.

Repeated head movements can also cause stiffness in the neck. This can happen after activities like front crawl or manual labor.

home remedies for neck pain

Talk to your doctor to make sure there isn't a deeper cause if you experience persistent, debilitating pain. Here are some simple ways to relieve acute pain to practice at home:


Experts advise slowing down and to rest after an injury or the appearance of pain. Rest allows injured tissues to heal, reducing the risk of muscle spasm.

Hot and cold therapy

For new pain or injury, use cold therapy. Use an ice pack on a sore neck for the first 48-72 hours after the onset of pain, for 15-20 minute intervals, several times a day.

For chronic pain, favor heat therapy. Mild stiffness and pain can often be relieved with about 15 to 20 minutes of heat therapy. For more severe pain, use longer sessions, such as a warm bath or hot compress, lasting 30 minutes to two hours.

Otherwise try CBD for neck pain.

Exercises and stretches to relieve neck pain

Your neck is made up of muscle and can benefit from stretching, just like many other parts of the body. Many helpful neck stretches can be done sitting or standing, making them easy to accomplish even on a busy day.

The back and common causes of pain

For some people, back pain is a common occurrence. According to a Harvard report, back pain affects nearly 4 in 5 adults. Pain and inflammation are the body's response to factors such as tissue damage and infections. There are several causes of lower back discomfort that can lead to pain, varying in duration and severity. Persistent back pain can have a very detrimental impact on your quality of life. Deep stretches at regular consumption of CBD, there are a variety of methods and remedies that can help relieve lower back pain and prevent the risk of injury.


What are the different types of lower back pain?

Lower back discomfort is often felt as cramping, tenderness, sharp or stabbing pain, a dull ache, or a throbbing sensation. Suffering can be continuous, intermittent and/or positional. Usually, lower back pain is either acute or chronic. Acute lower back pain can last anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks. It can resolve on its own (or with moderate intervention) without causing loss of function or mobility. In contrast, chronic pain is defined as pain that persists for at least three months; usually long after the initial cause of the lower back pain has been treated.

Femme qui a mal au dos

Although lower back pain can affect anyone, it is often associated with a natural part of the aging process. According to the Cleveland Clinic, people over 30 are more likely to experience back problems because the discs that cushion the vertebrae wear down over time, making us more susceptible to injury. That said, everyone is potentially affected. For example, children who carry overloaded backpacks are also unknowingly affected by this risk.

Here are some other activities that can hurt your lower back:

- Bad posture
- Physical effort without adequate prior stretching
- Sudden or abrupt movements
- Chronic pain (due to conditions such as arthritis, cancer, herniated discs or sciatica)
- Traumatic injury due to a fall or accident
- Prolonged standing or sitting position
- Physically demanding work
- Stress / anxiety
- Pregnancy
- Muscle spasms
- Muscle or ligament tension
- Spinal problem
- Overweight, can mean that our back works more than it should
- Smoking. THE side effects of smoking may include lower back pain resulting from decreased blood flow to the lower spine
- Lifting heavy things (or children!) incorrectly (using the back instead of the main leg muscles)

When it comes to relieving lower back pain, there are a multitude of tools at our disposal including CBD for pain. The technique and application of these methods depend on the source and severity of the pain. Let's look at some commonly used home remedies that can help relieve lower back pain.

Depending on the cause of back pain, you are likely dealing with some degree of inflammation. Simply put, inflammation is the body's immune response to injury or an intruder, such as an infection or toxin. Inflammation can mean that an area is red, swollen, painful, or not functioning normally. Your immune system then kicks in to fix the problem.

When your back hurts, self-care is important to calm the body's inflammatory response and reduce pain. We've listed several things that can help with back pain, but remember, you know your body better than anyone. 

Low impact exercises

Although physical activity may be the last thing you want to do, it can be one of the best remedies for reducing back pain! Moderate exercises provide some relief to sore joints and muscles. When looking for new ways to maintain healthy joints and active muscles, various forms of low-impact exercise can help (like yoga, water activities, or walking). Exercise is also believed to trigger the release of pain-relieving hormones called endorphins.


Stretching is another form of low-impact exercise that offers promising results in relieving back pain. Deep, gentle stretches can help reduce muscle tension, improve mobility, and prevent possible injury. Spinal Health recommends the following stretches for lower back pain relief:

Back Flexion Stretch:

While lying on your back, pull your knees toward your chest while bending your head forward until you feel a comfortable stretch in your back.

Stretching knees to chest:

Lie on your back with your knees bent and both heels on the floor, then place your hands behind one knee and pull it toward your chest, stretching the gluteal and piriformis muscles of your lower body.

Warrior Pose Stretch:

Starting on your knees, step one leg forward so your foot is flat on the floor, keeping weight distributed evenly across both hips. Then place both hands on your upper thigh, and lean forward to feel a stretch in the front of your other leg. This stretch affects the hip flexor muscles, which attach to the pelvis and affect your posture if they are too tight.

Stretching the piriformis muscles:

Lie on your back with your knees bent and both heels on the floor. Cross one leg over the other, resting your ankle on the bent knee, then gently pull the bottom knee toward your chest until you feel a stretch in your glutes. You can also try lying on the floor with one leg crossed over the other and pulling it forward across your body at the knee, while keeping the other leg flat.

hot and cold

Hot and cold therapy seems to be very helpful in relieving muscle and joint pain. Applying ice is most effective immediately after an injury, as it is believed to counteract inflammation. The lower temperature can also help avoid severe pain. For best results: Use an ice pack or frozen vegetables wrapped in a cloth for up to 20 minutes, repeat several times a day.

A hot water bottle or hot water bottle can be used to soothe sore muscles while stimulating blood circulation necessary for rapid healing. The use of heat therapy is recommended approximately 48 hours after an injury. It should be done in sessions of one to two hours each. Other heat treatments include a hot shower or bath.

Quality rest

Lower back pain can in some cases prevent us from sleeping properly, but complete and total relaxation paves the way for physical recovery. In this case, you may be wondering if your body heals when you sleep. During sleep, several processes crucial for the restoration of your musculoskeletal system occur. There are many steps you can take to ensure restorative rest, follow a healthy sleep schedule, practice good sleep hygiene and integrate CBD into your daily routines. CBD isn't just useful for helping you sleep better at night. Its properties can be used to support healthier muscle and joint function. 

The Elbow and “The Tennis Elbow”

Well known to tennis players and women, tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a condition that anyone can get if they repetitively use the tendons of the forearm, wrist or elbow. House painters, butchers, musicians, landscapers, mechanics, assembly line workers, supermarket cashiers, carpenters, among others can all be affected by tennis elbow.

Tennis Elbow

How to treat tennis elbow?

If you have been diagnosed with tennis elbow, here are some methods that can relieve tennis elbow pain and reduce inflammation:

- Rest your arm

Avoid doing the repetitive movement that caused tennis elbow as much as possible. This can be complicated if the movement is related to your profession, but even a short period of rest can help. It may be possible for an expert to analyze your work tasks to find the best way to accomplish them while reducing stress on the injured area.

- Apply ice to the painful area

Do this for 15 to 20 minutes every four to six hours, with a cloth or towel between the ice pack and your skin. Physical therapists use gel packs, which don't freeze as hard as ice and can be lightly molded around the elbow area. Once the initial injury begins to heal, heat can also provide relief.

- Use an elbow support

There are different types of supports. One of the most popular designs resembles an elastic sleeve that covers your arm at the elbow, compressing the entire area. Others are straps you wear around your forearm that support muscles and limit their movement.

- Use a wrist splint at night

This allows your muscles and tendons to rest and stay in place while you sleep.

- Do physiotherapy

Physical therapists use heat and cold therapy, ultrasound, massage, and specific exercises to help heal an injury and prevent the risk of new ones. A physiotherapist will give you stretches and exercises to do between sessions and at the end of sessions. Following them will help you reduce the risk of further injury.

- Try CBD for tennis elbow pain with an oil of CBD or capsules with CBD.

How to sleep well with a tennis elbow?

The key to sleeping with epicondylitis is to avoid putting pressure on the affected arm. To do this, avoid sleeping on the side of the injury by staying on the other side or sleeping on your back. To avoid moving too much during sleep, use pillows or folded blankets to keep both arms supported as if you were sitting in a recliner. This way your affected arm and spine are supported so you can minimize the pain and discomfort you experience.

Hand and wrist pain

In our increasingly digital daily life, many people work on laptops, computers and phones for long periods of time. This increased use of electronic devices can be detrimental to our well-being, especially to the hands and wrists. Typing on keyboards and manipulating the mouse for long periods of time can cause hand and wrist pain due to the unnatural adapted position.

Unfortunately, the use of keyboards and mice is not the only cause of hand and wrist pain.

Do you have pain in your hands, wrists or both? You are not alone. In the United States, hand and wrist pain are a leading cause of workplace disability, with arthritis alone affecting more than 54 million Americans. 

The main causes of pain in the hands and wrists:

- Repetitive stress injuries

This type of injury occurs frequently among heavy computer users. They are caused by repetitive motions like typing on the keyboard and moving the mouse. These repetitive movements can cause tendons and ligaments to deteriorate, causing pain and stiffness. Over time, these injuries can lead to more serious difficulties if left untreated.

- Carpal tunnel syndrome

Three times more likely to occur in women than in men, carpal tunnel syndrome, or median nerve entrapment, is caused by many different causes, such as repetitive motions or even pregnancy. Carpal tunnel syndrome can cause weakness, tingling, numbness in the hand, or shock sensations that travel through the fingers.

- Tendinitis

Tendonitis is the irritation and swelling of a tendon or tendon sheath and occurs due to injury or overuse. There are two main forms of hand and wrist tendonitis:

  • "De Quervain's tendinitis": This type of tendinitis causes pain in the thumb area, which can spread along the entire length of the thumb and up into the forearm. "De Quervain's tendinitis" can make it difficult to make a fist or pick up objects.
  • Spring finger: This type of tendonitis causes a finger or thumb that gets stuck in a bent position due to inflamed and irritated flexor tendons in the hand.

- Arthritis

This condition is the leading cause of hand pain and results from the deterioration of the cartilage in the joints of your hands. Painful swelling and stiffness occur when the cartilage is damaged.

- Fractures

Generally unrelated to the above causes, fractures mainly occur due to physical trauma such as a fall or accident. Fractures can sometimes go unnoticed or be confused with common pain when they are minor.

The CBD for pain in the hands and wrists is a relief worth testing.

The hip and associated pain

If you've seen a diagram of the anatomy of the hip, you know it's both an incredibly simple and very complex joint. If you have hip pain, this will help you understand how the hip works and how many things can hurt it.

Your hip is a “ball and socket” joint. The top of the thigh bone, called the femur, is bullet-shaped; it fits into a socket that is shaped into the side of your pelvic bone. This allows for a wide range of moves. The complex part? A network of cartilage, tendons, ligaments and muscles that support, stabilize and protect the hip joints.

All of this means that if you have hip pain, which can radiate to the inner or outer part of the joint and even involve the thigh, groin and buttocks, it can be caused by several factors.

Mal aux hanches


The causes of hip pain

Osteoarthritis is the most common source of joint pain. It is a degenerative disorder that mostly affects the cartilage and tissues around the joints; this can make these joints tender and swollen. (Osteoarthritis is different from rheumatoid arthritis, in which the immune system attacks the membrane that surrounds the joints and can later destroy cartilage and bone). Although there are other types of arthritis, these two are the most common, causing pain, swelling and stiffness.

There are other reasons you could have hip pain, such as a blow or an injury.

The most common causes:

- tendonitis

Tendinitis is most common in the knees, shoulders, elbows and wrists, but it can also occur in the hips. It is caused by inflammation of a tendon and can cause pain, tenderness and swelling.

- A broken hip

The risk of a hip fracture increases with age. A simple unwelcome fall can cause a hip fracture. If you have weakened bones from osteoporosis or some other reason, you are more likely to sustain this type of fracture, even without necessarily falling.

- bursitis

There are small fluid-filled sacs that cushion our joints; these are called scholarships. When they become inflamed, you have bursitis. It most commonly occurs in the shoulder, elbow and hip and can cause pain, stiffness and swelling.

- A pinched nerve

If you feel pain, tingling, or numbness while walking, you might have a pinched nerve. They can be caused by too much muscle tension, obesity, pregnancy, a herniated disc, arthritis, or prolonged sitting. Sometimes the pain radiates to the groin or to the inner thigh and down to the knee.

- muscle tension

Muscle strains or tendon strains are common causes of hip pain. Doing the same activities over and over again can put too much strain on the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that support the hips. This tissue becomes inflamed from overuse and can prevent the hip from functioning properly.

If hip pain is left untreated, one might assume that pain is a normal part of aging, and get used to living with it. Rest, ice, and anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen can help. Also, CBD for hip pain can be effective. But ongoing pain should not be ignored which could indicate a condition requiring treatment to prevent further damage to the joint. Here are the symptoms to pay particular attention to:

  • sudden pain;
  • Pain that gets progressively worse;
  • Pain that prevents you from standing on one leg;
  • Easy walking has become a pain;
  • You feel unsteady on your feet;
  • You hear a click in the joint;
  • Pain has significantly impacted your physical activity;

How to relieve hip pain?

Understanding the origin of hip joint pain will help you know how to relieve it. Here are some hip pain relief methods and remedies that you can apply at home:

Apply an ice pack

If you have been recently injured, see a doctor and practice the RICE protocol: rest, ice, compression, elevation. Rest provides a break for the hip and its muscles. Ice controls swelling and inflammation. Compression limits swelling and reduces blood flow to the area. Elevation (above the level of your heart) also reduces swelling. Pain relievers like ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and naproxen sodium can also help. If you have rheumatoid arthritis, your doctor might prescribe corticosteroids or anti-rheumatic drugs.

If your pain is ongoing but not related to an injury, you can put ice on the area for 15 to 20 minutes several times a day. Alternating cold with heat, such as a hot bath, will likely provide some relief.

Exercises and stretches to relieve hip pain

In the long run, if you are overweight or obese, losing some weight relieves pressure on your joints, especially your hips and knees. You can increase your flexibility and mobility with simple exercises and stretches to relieve hip pain, gradually increasing the effort as you improve.

Manage your hip pain

Your hip is the largest weight-bearing joint in your body and can cause occasional or chronic pain for a variety of reasons. See your doctor if necessary, rest as much as possible, do stretches and flexibility exercises when you can, lose weight if you need to. You can also try CBD for hip pain.

Otherwise you can try CBD for Hip Pain.

The knee and sources of pain

Among the diseases that can affect the musculoskeletal system, causing pain and inflammation, the knees, one of the most complex joints in the body, stand out. Knee pain can have different causes and manifest in acute or chronic form. These pains cause varying degrees of personal and professional disability.

The knee is a joint made up of:

  • Bone: femur, tibia, and tibia
  • Ligaments: medial and lateral collateral ligaments, anterior cruciate ligament and posterior cruciate ligament
  • Cartilage, including the meniscus
  • Liquide synovial
  • Muscles and tendons responsible for their movement

There are different problems that can affect the knees, causing pain and inflammation, and they can occur at any age and can be related to specific mechanical trauma, disease or simply age. Being overweight can play a crucial role in the development of knee problems and therefore pain, as can certain sports or physical work.

What are the most common causes of knee pain?

  • Presence of osteoarthritis or osteoarthritis: these are the most common chronic conditions, involving the wear and tear and degeneration of cartilage causing pain, swelling and stiffness
  • Ligament injuries (sprains): very common in athletes, they can be of different degrees, causing tension, partial or total rupture of the ligament
  • Partial or total injuries of the meniscus
  • Tendon injuries
  • Bone fractures
  • muscle problems

Managing knee pain caused by arthritis can seem like an uphill battle. When pain, swelling, and stiffness set in, it is often difficult to lead an ordinary life, so finding relief methods like CBD for pain is crucial.

Foot pain 

The feet are subjected to numerous pressures every day: walking, running, jumping, climbing... It is therefore not surprising that pain or discomfort appears. When your feet hurt, it can be difficult to go about your daily activities. This is why it is essential to find ways to relieve even minor pain.

The most common causes of foot pain

Foot pain can be alarming and also often very uncomfortable. However, foot pain can have mundane causes and does not necessarily result from illness or injury. Common causes of sole and arch pain include:

- Ill-fitting shoes
- Prolonged period of standing
- Excessive use, such as long walks or running a marathon
- Sprains, strains or other minor trauma
- Plantar fasciitis
- The onions
- Arthritis

Foot Pain

You should consult your doctor to determine the exact cause of your foot discomfort, as it may be stemming from a more serious problem. But very often, the daily and almost permanent use of the feet is the main culprit. For everyday aches and pains, there are many options for foot pain relief. You can choose between massages, creams or also stretching.

Tips for relieving foot pain

Here are some of the best ways to relieve foot pain:

- The right stretches to start off on the right foot

Stretching is a simple way to find relief from pain. The best stretches for the feet are toe extensions, golf ball rolls and also Achilles stretches.

Toe extension stretches are helpful in preventing or treating heel pain and also improve toe mobility. Rolling a golf ball or massage ball under the foot can help relieve discomfort. Achilles stretches target the Achilles tendon, which connects the heel to the calf muscles. It can easily tense or stretch. Exercising this area can help relieve foot pain.

- Massage

Foot massages not only provide a feeling of well-being. They are also an easy way to temporarily relieve pain. You can give yourself a massage or opt for a spa day to quickly relieve temporary pain.

By rubbing the heel, arch and surrounding areas, you can stimulate blood circulation, break up adhesions and scars, temporarily decrease pain signals from nerve endings, stretch and relax muscles and tendons.

However, massaging the bottom of your foot is not a permanent solution for chronic foot problems.

Appropriate footwear and arch support

Pain in the arch and bottom of the foot can be caused by the way you walk or stand. Depending on your anatomy and gait, some muscles in your arches may work harder than others. This can cause pain. Arch pain can also occur with overuse, such as long periods of walking. 

To help relieve arch pain, wear appropriate shoes. This is especially important during exercise, to better distribute weight across the entire foot. Consider inserting insoles to support your arches for daily walking and standing.

Otherwise try CBD for the pain you feel after sports

Can CBD relieve the joints?

CBD is a molecule known for its many potential benefits. It is best known for its therapeutic and anti-inflammatory properties, which help relieve pain and inflammation.

This cannabinoid is present naturally and in large quantities in the hemp plant. Thanks to its alleged anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective agents, CBD is considered an effective sedative for the body. Although this aspect of research is relatively new, studies have suggested that CBD works by interacting with a network of cannabinoid receptors found in the body.

The Endocannabinoid System

This network, called the endocannabinoid system (your ECS), is considered responsible for maintaining the homeostasis of our body systems. When the ECS receives and translates signals from CBD into the bloodstream, it produces its own cannabinoids, called endocannabinoids. These “internal” endocannabinoids then bind to various CB receptors throughout the body. They produce a variety of phenomena like pain relief, decreased inflammation and sedation. CBD for pain has an impact on fighting inflammation, reducing back pain and relaxing the body.

CBD for joint pain

Medical cannabis research is fairly new, but there are already numerous preclinical and clinical studies that demonstrate CBD's potential to support a healthy immune system, increase comfort, and improve quality of life.

Many people use CBD products to find relief from their joint pain resulting from an injury or to soothe osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or gout. The endocannabinoid system maintains homeostasis (balance) of the body's many vital systems, including the immune system. Inflammation is a mechanism of the immune system, so CBD shows significant potential to reduce inflammation and pain.

CBD May Block Pain Signaling Pathways

At higher doses, CBD for arthritis pain might offer some relief by interacting with vanilloid receptors, specifically the TR1PV receptor.

This receptor sends messages to the brain when we touch something hot or feel pain. Inflammation triggers the feeling of joint pain and arthritis.

CBD may aid sleep

A common annoyance among people suffering from arthritis is difficulty sleeping well at night. Taken in the evening and in moderate to high doses, CBD has been shown to prepare the body for rest. It slows the fight or flight response to stress by increasing GABA levels in the brain.

Additionally, high levels of stress can lead to arthritis flare-ups. GABA is a neurotransmitter that counteracts the fight or flight response. This allows the body to promote a time of rest and digestion. This can help slow down anxious thoughts and calm the body so you actually feel sleepy before bed.

In addition to providing support against inflammation, quality CBD oil can promote restful sleep.

Conclusion: CBD for joint pain

There is substantial evidence of CBD's potential to support a healthy inflammatory response and relieve discomfort. The most common forms of arthritis can benefit from supplementing with CBD supplementation in lifestyle and diet.

There are still many unknowns about the causes of arthritis. New studies would therefore be necessary to offer CBD for current treatment. However, many people already use cannabis-derived products to manage their symptoms.

When purchasing CBD, be sure to purchase high-quality CBD from a reputable supplier. It should display accredited and independent laboratory tests to know the exact composition of the products.

CBD to reduce joint pain and arthritis?

CBD is said to offer different benefits such as normal inflammatory response and improved comfort, to help arthritis patients improve their quality of life. This versatile molecule can be used both internally or also topically. No CBD products for pain have been clinically approved to treat arthritis.

CBD is all the rage right now, but it’s not a miracle product for pain. It can provide some relief, but will not cure the causes. You should address the underlying factors of your arthritis flare-ups and adjust your lifestyle accordingly.

If you are on doctor-prescribed treatment for severe arthritis conditions, we urge you to seek advice from your doctor before adding CBD to your health regimen.

How to use CBD for joint pain and arthritis?

You can adopt flowers, resins or e-liquids if you are a smoker. Choose Full Spectrum products to benefit from the Entourage Effect with the other molecules present in hemp. Non-smokers will therefore opt for CBD oil, CBD capsules or CBD gummies called Gummies. You can also purchase topical balms to apply directly to the skin.

Whatever the format adopted, take them regularly or as a treatment. So buy good quality CBD products, from a brand that provides certificates product analysis. If you buy CBD products online, also consider the reviews left by other buyers.

Can you take CBD with other pain relievers?

CBD rarely interacts with prescription medications. It is generally safe to take with over-the-counter pain relievers like Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. But some treatments for arthritis pain are very powerful and intended to affect immune system function. It is therefore best to consult your doctor before using CBD for pain in combination with arthritis medications.