Immune Support: Our advice and our selection of dedicated products

We are all exposed to a variety of illnesses, infections, viruses and bacteria every day. Our immune system is a network of cells, tissues and organs that work together to protect the body. Immunity protects us.

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Strengthening our immune system

By strengthening our immune system, we protect our body. Many factors can disrupt our immune system, such as stress , illness, and infections. For example, when the air temperature drops, our mucus secretions increase. Some common cold viruses, such as seasonal flu, are more active in cooler weather. This increases the likelihood of getting sick. The immune system is particularly complex. It owes its defense capabilities to various food sources, minerals, vitamins, dietary supplements, and organ systems. All of these systems work together like a well-oiled machine. To ensure that our immune system is functioning optimally, we first need to know more about it.

Keep toxins away

To stay strong and healthy, it is essential to keep toxins and pathogens away from the body. This is precisely the main role of the immune system.

One of the major roles of the immune system is to assess what is “good” and “bad” for our body. If something “bad” manages to get in, the immune system works. It destroys anything harmful before it can cause lasting damage.

When our immune system is healthy, our body functions at full capacity. It keeps viruses and other unwanted intruders at bay or eliminates them before they can actually cause damage. On the other hand, a weakened immune system does not always have the necessary defenses. It no longer keeps toxins out and no longer has the strength to fight them when they enter the body. This is why the flu and other illnesses can be dangerous for people with compromised immune systems.

Immune Support

Creating and supporting a healthy immune system is fundamental to avoiding getting sick. It is inevitable to catch colds or flu in winter. A strong immune system can limit symptoms and reduce the likelihood of a more serious infection. Nowadays, it is more important than ever to maintain strong immunity. We need to do what we need to do to strengthen our immune system.

There are many good things you can do to strengthen your immune system. Exercise regularly, get enough sleep , stay hydrated, eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, don't smoke, drink alcohol in moderation, and wash your hands frequently.

Un étal de fruits et legumes pour complémenter le CBD et défenses immunitaires

Here is a list of tips for maintaining a balanced immune system:

A healthy gut for a healthy immune system

The bacteria in our gut, collectively called the human microbiota, play an important role in immunity. It is therefore important to feed the good bacteria with the “right” foods to stay in great shape. Good bacteria send signals to our body. They alert our immune cells to viral and bacterial invasions. These can affect our body, especially the intestine and lungs, and thus eliminate these threats. They also play an essential role in balancing the immune response against infections.

The bacteria in our gut love and thrive on fermented foods. You can choose between yogurt, kimchi and kefir for example. They are also fans of whole foods, such as fruits and vegetables. To ensure you have enough good, beneficial bacteria in your gut, continue to feed them these foods. You might also consider taking probiotic dietary supplements.

Immunity is a complex balance that must be respected.

A healthy immune system depends on balance. For example, when you have an allergic reaction to pollen, it is because the immune system is overreacting to the perceived threat of pollen, putting the system into overdrive, and releasing inflammatory signals.

Sometimes our immune system can go into overdrive and attack itself, causing autoimmune diseases. An immune response that is not strong enough, on the other hand, can make us sick.

It is important to note that the immune system does not try to fight every bacteria it encounters. Not all bacteria are in fact pathogenic, that is to say they do not cause diseases, some of them are even faithful allies.

Our immune system is constantly evolving

Our immune system must constantly learn more about the microorganisms present in our environment. Even before birth, when we are still in our biological mother's womb, our immune system begins to develop. After birth and as we grow, our immune system learns about different microorganisms, some are friends and others are enemies, and how to fight them if they cause disease.

Our bacterial friends play a similar role and continue to educate our immune system about good and bad bacteria throughout life. In fact, in the presence of bad bacteria, certain “allied” bacteria, collectively called commensal bacteria, protect us against these bad bacteria by inducing protective immune responses.

Hygiene that is too clean can sometimes indirectly harm our immune system

Rates of allergies and immune-related illnesses are increasing in Western countries. This could be a result of the hygiene hypothesis, which states that being too clean limits the diversity of "allied" bacteria in our gut, and can cause immune system dysfunction. This hypothesis posits that our immune systems are less likely to attack the microbes necessary for immune support. This hypothesis is now called biome depletion. We are in no way suggesting you abandon your hygiene habits; just don't overdo it with cleaning.

Positive emotions strengthen immunity

According to psychoneuroimmunology, which studies the interactions between the mind, the nervous system and the immune system, there may be a link between our emotions and our immune system.

Steve Cole, a professor at the University of California, has published studies showing that stress and loneliness can have a negative effect on our immune system. Cole's research into how positive emotions boost immunity has come under heavy criticism.

However, other research suggests that happiness may help maintain a strong immune system. Some scientists suggest that positive emotions may reduce the risk of colds. Similarly, another paper suggests that mild to moderate mood disorders in older adults may be associated with a slightly weaker immune response than similar but more optimistic subjects.

A balanced diet composed of healthy plants

They say you are what you eat. It makes sense that eating healthy foods regularly will keep you healthy. The best foods to help support our immune defenses are whole, plant-based foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains. These foods tend to be richer in antioxidants, limiting inflammation and destroying free radicals that are harmful to our health.

Consumed regularly, the following foods naturally support our natural defenses: Garlic, Ginger, Dark green vegetables, Mushrooms (shiitake, chaga and reishi), Beets, Berries, Tomatoes, Peppers.

Cut out excess sugar and refined carbohydrates

Did you know that eating sugar can weaken the immune system? Although the relationship between the immune system and sugar is not completely understood, it is believed that excessive sugar consumption can negatively impact the cells that fight bad bacteria. Sugar consumption has also been linked to inflammation.

One study found that healthy individuals who consumed one can of soda per day containing 40g of added sugar showed an increase in inflammatory markers. Another study showed that consuming 50g of sugar caused signs of inflammation that lasted up to two hours.

Refined carbohydrates are very similar to sugar when it comes to immunity. Therefore, pasta, pastries and bread are not recommended to support our immune health. Certain types of carbohydrates increase both our waistline and inflammation. If you want to support your immune system, don't hesitate to cut out excess carbohydrates.

Do sports or physical activity regularly

Regular exercise and immunity go hand in hand. You don't need to go crazy and train seven days a week for hours on end. You just need to exercise regularly. Research shows that regular moderate exercise could allow immune cells to regenerate regularly.

You might consider taking a brisk 20-minute walk a few times a week. An online fitness or yoga class is also great for getting our bodies moving. Just 2.5 hours of moderate exercise per week could help maintain a healthy immune system.

Un homme qui court sur un chemin au milieu d'un champ

Limit stress factors

We are all well aware of the effects of stress on the body and mind. Did you know that chronic stress causes our immune cells to become unbalanced? Long-term stress suppresses protective immune responses and worsens pathological immune responses. Meditation, mindfulness, yoga, and moderate exercise are all great techniques to naturally reduce stress and regain a sense of calm and serenity.

Go to bed early and get enough sleep

The importance of getting enough sleep and getting a good night's sleep is sometimes overlooked. It is recommended to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night to keep our immune system healthy. Did you know that sleeping less than 6 hours a night is linked to an increased susceptibility to contracting the common cold?

If you want to naturally support your immune health, getting enough restful sleep is key. Make your bedroom a sanctuary and stick to a regular sleep schedule. You can also get into the habit of stopping using screens (including your phone, laptop, or tablet) an hour before bed, as the blue light emitted from our devices is known to cause serious disruptions to our natural circadian rhythm.

Small changes in our lifestyle can do wonders to support immune health naturally. Managing your health by eating a healthy, balanced diet, reducing your sugar and carbohydrate intake, getting enough sleep, and making sure you exercise regularly will definitely help strengthen your immune system and overall health.

Have a good breakfast every morning

A healthy breakfast is an important source of healthy nutrients. Cardiff University in Wales found that eating breakfast regularly can reduce the risk of catching colds or the flu. Try starting your day off right with a dose of antioxidants and probiotics like green tea and yogurt. A cup of green tea is full of beneficial antioxidants and a serving of plain yogurt is packed with probiotics. Add some CBD and create an immune-supporting morning routine.

Un petit déjeuner sain et équibré

Stay Hydrated

We all know we should drink more water, but it's easy to forget to drink enough water every day. Typically, if you're thirsty, you're already behind on water intake. So try to drink around eight glasses of fluids, including cool, filtered water regularly throughout the day and when you exercise.

Drinking enough water boosts our immunity. Staying hydrated helps the body naturally eliminate toxins and other disease-causing bacteria.

Take Vitamins C and D

Vitamins C and D have stimulating properties for the immune system. According to Doctor Anthony Fauci, vitamin D deficiency can impact susceptibility to infections. Researchers at the University of Chicago have established a link between vitamin D deficiency and Covid-19. Those with untreated vitamin D deficiency were more likely to catch the virus.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and supports various cellular functions of the immune system, according to a 2017 study published by the National Institutes of Health. Vitamin C also appears to prevent and treat respiratory and systemic infections.

How do allergies affect our immune system?

Whenever our body comes into contact with certain substances, our immune system can be tricked into believing that they are dangerous. When our immune system is on alert, it produces antibodies to help get rid of potentially harmful substances. These antibodies are called histamines. You can think of histamines as bouncers at a nightclub, their job is to get loud and dangerous people out.

The immune system produces histamines to eliminate a potentially dangerous allergen from inside the body. Unlike germs, however, allergens are generally harmless. Unless, of course, you have an allergy. But this does not matter for the immune system. “Bouncers” are alerted whenever suspected allergens enter the nightclub — and with lots of allergens, your body can get a little overzealous in trying to contain the problem before it happens. When this happens, it goes into overdrive and produces lots of histamines – which could do the body more harm than good.

Histamines and Allergies

With too many allergens and histamines fighting in there, our body could start to have an allergic reaction. The reaction, which we tend to call allergies, is accompanied by symptoms such as a runny nose, scratchy throat, sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, nasal congestion, pain and pressure. facial - even rashes. More or less, allergies are caused by overactive immune systems that go crazy "threatening" invaders that enter the body.

That being said, if your immune system thinks pollen, pet dander, mold, or certain foods are dangerous, it reacts, leading to a whole host of other irritating sensations. Allergies can be difficult to manage, even with antihistamine allergy medications, which are intended to help prevent "bouncers" from destroying the entire nightclub in their attempt to take out a few suspicious people.

CBD and the immune system

Did you know that CBD can help boost your immune system? Here’s how it works. Our endocannabinoid system (ECS) is connected to the immune system. This complex biological cell signaling system made up of cannabinoid receptors regulates a range of functions, including immunity. CB2 receptors in particular are abundant in the immune system. The beneficial properties of CBD interact with these receptors in a holistic and supportive way, helping your immune system function smarter.

Ensuring your endocannabinoid system is strong and healthy could help ensure immunity is strong and healthy. Here, we'll take a closer look at the endocannabinoid system and the immune system, how the ECS supports immunity, and how supporting the ECS could lead to a stronger immune response.

Un virus au microscope

Immune function and the endocannabinoid system

Considered one of the most important physiological systems, the endocannabinoid system is potentially responsible for a number of different functions, including mood, memory, sleep, digestive function, metabolism , appetite, immune function and more.

At the most fundamental level, the SEC consists of the following elements:

- Two naturally occurring endocannabinoids, anandamide and 2-AG.

- Enzymes that synthesize and degrade endocannabinoids, such as fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and monoacylglycerol lipase.

- Two cannabinoid receptors, known as CB1 and CB2.

Both the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors are responsible for regulating the release of different chemical messengers. While CB1 receptors are found primarily on neurons, CB2 receptors are primarily found on immune cells. The number of CB2 receptors present in immune cells, for example, is 10 to 100 times greater than that of CB1 receptors.

Although research shows that the primary functions of the ECS are to support homeostasis, emotional response and mood, cognition, and motor function, it is also suggested that aside from these central functions, the ECS is also an important modulator of immune function.

How does the ECS support immune function?

Research suggests that endocannabinoids may modulate the function of a variety of immune cells through cannabinoid receptor signaling.

Immune cells are shown to express both CB1 and CB2 receptors, secrete endocannabinoids, and have functional transport and degradation mechanisms. For example, anandamide synthesis is thought to play an important role in the immune system's response to cannabinoids. A 2009 study suggests that the effects of cannabinoids on various immune functions tend to be temporary, allowing the inhibitory effects of infection to be overcome when the immune system requires activation.

Researchers suggest that downregulation of cannabinoid receptor expression when immune cells are activated supports this. Although the function of cannabinoid receptors on the immune system is not completely understood, it is hypothesized that endocannabinoid signaling in lymphoid tissues may help control immune cell activation.

What are the effects of endocannabinoids on immune function?

Endocannabinoids are suggested to be important for maintaining immune balance and play an important role in immune functions. How exactly does this work? First, endocannabinoids modulate the growth and death of certain lymphocytes, which are white blood cells and one of the body's main types of immune cells that work together to defend against things like viruses and viruses. bacteria. They also modulate the production of inflammatory cytokines. Cytokines are signaling molecules secreted by immune cells. They play an important role in the natural immune response.

CBD as a supplement

Interleukins are a type of cytokine responsible for inducing fever, specifically interleukin-1. Mary Clifton is a cannabis researcher in New York and an internal medicine physician. She suggests that cannabinoids like CBD should be used regularly to maintain good health and avoid cold and flu symptoms. “During cold and flu season,” Clifton says, “it should be a supplement.”

She explains that CBD can affect the number of interleukins the body creates. Endocannabinoids are known to show modulation of cytokine production, so this makes sense. The immunosuppressive action of endocannabinoids on immune cells is primarily considered to be mediated through CB2 receptors by inhibiting cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), a well-known regulator of immune cell function. Research suggests that interrupting or enhancing the effects of cAMP has significant immunoregulatory potential in autoimmune diseases.

A 2003 study highlights that cannabinoids show modulation of several immune cell functions in humans and animals . It notes that the endocannabinoid system "could be exploited in future therapies for chronic diseases and immune deficiencies."

Can CBD help limit allergies?

Before we begin, let's be clear - CBD does not cure anything and should never be used to treat serious allergic reactions. Standard treatments for allergy relief, such as antihistamines, are a better option. However, research suggests that CBD may impact any allergy symptoms you may experience.

Let's start by understanding how CBD works in the body. CBD is not intoxicating and does not change your state of mind. However, it plays an interesting role in our endocannabinoid system (ECS) – which is responsible for things like body temperature, mood, appetite, sleep/wake cycles and our immune reactions.

The Endocannabinoid System (ECS)

The ECS is a network of receptors throughout the body and nervous system that send messages to each other to keep the body functioning optimally. These chemical messages, called endocannabinoids, occur naturally in the body. In contrast, cannabinoids such as CBD come from cannabis and hemp oil. Evidence suggests that they interact with endocannabinoid receptors and may provide benefits during disruptions in the body's processes.

When you take CBD, whether in the form of CBD oil or CBD edibles , it activates the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the nervous system. Because it can bind to or antagonize these receptors, it can help the ECS maintain balance or homeostasis in the body. This could be a good thing for allergies! Allergies and allergic responses appear to involve CB2 receptors, which regulate both the immune system and reactions like pain and inflammation.

Some research has suggested that CBD may help prevent the release of histamines from cells, which causes many allergy symptoms. As a result, some people experience less sneezing, coughing and itching. Inflammation of the airways also plays a role in the unpleasant sensations associated with allergies. Allergic inflammatory responses can lead to sinus pressure, congestion, difficulty breathing, skin allergies, rashes, and chronic pain. A different study found that CBD could be a powerful anti-inflammatory that could help better manage certain allergy-related skin problems, pain, and pressure.

Du pollen au microscope

How to consume CBD to reduce allergies?

Research suggests that the presence of CBD can help the body function more efficiently on its own. This is thanks to its unique relationship with the ECS. While it won’t make your allergies go away, taking it daily may make some of the side effects of allergies (like inflammation, pressure, congestion, and rashes) more manageable. Want to try CBD for allergy relief? We recommend starting with a full-spectrum CBD product.

On the one hand, studies have shown that the presence of terpenes can make cannabinoids more effective. Indeed, this is thanks to what is called an entourage effect. Full-spectrum CBD may produce more promising effects in the body. First, thanks to the synergistic nature of cannabinoids and terpenes .

The Role of Terpenes

For example, a study on the terpene a-Pinene found that rats pretreated with pinene had fewer allergy symptoms. Pinene may also have anti-inflammatory and airway-opening effects. These effects may help manage congestion or difficulty breathing. When combined with CBD and other natural cannabinoids, the effects are said to be amplified through the entourage effect .

Aside from full-spectrum formulations, there are a variety of CBD products that may help alleviate some of the effects of allergies. Many topical treatments use CBD to help with rashes , muscle pain , and inflammation. For those who suffer from hay fever or other body aches due to allergies, CBD oils or edibles may be the solution to consider as they typically last a little longer in the body.

Whichever route you decide to try, keep in mind that CBD generally works best when taken daily as a supplement. The complex relationship it shares with the ECS to potentially encourage balance in the body means you might see better results with a regular CBD routine.

Ultimately, more research is needed to solidify the relationship between CBD and allergies. However, some of the evidence we have shows that it can be useful. Keep antihistamines on hand just in case, but experiment with full-spectrum CBD as a viable natural supplement.