Vital energy, our advice for staying in shape
Vital Energy: our practical advice for staying in shape
We all have to manage daily obligations and demands of all kinds (work, family, home, friends, administration, messaging, entertainment, etc.). A day in the 21st century would certainly have driven most of our ancestors crazy.
But concentration and balance are nevertheless achievable. Mastering concentration may seem like a daunting task, but our brains are just waiting for it. The examples of exercises presented below are for the brain what physical exercise is for the rest of our body.
What factors can affect our vital energy?
Many of us wear many “hats” in daily life as parents, friends, partners, employees, bosses, students. It's no wonder we're often exhausted. We seek energy intake in order to meet our commitments without resorting to energy drinks rich in sugar or based on caffeine.
Many factors can affect our vital energy and concentration, including:
- Lack of sleep
- Stress
- Travel
- Injuries and pains
- Poor diet
- Dehydration
- Lack of physical activities
- Hormonal deficiencies
If you're constantly feeling tired, it's helpful to take a look at your lifestyle and diet to see what kinds of changes might improve mental clarity and naturally increase vital energy .

Morning Vital Energy
If getting up and starting the day is an internal struggle, it might be time to change something. In fact, how you get up and start your day says a lot about how healthy you are.
Why is it important to start the day well?
History has shown that most women and men who experienced success in their projects practiced a physical or relaxing routine before tackling their tasks. These routines were very eclectic, Nikola Tesla loved marathon walking sessions. While Maya Angelou locked herself in a small hotel room to write. Finding a morning routine that works for you is a great method for generating vital energy. So you will have a fulfilling day. Here are some tips to start your day off right:
Get some sun! Preferably in the morning.
Your circadian rhythm starts in place in the morning.Therefore, what you do in the morning sets you up for failure or success for the day.
Morning sun is unique. It contains less UV light and more red light than later in the day. It is less likely to burn and more likely to restructure the skin’s collagen networks to prevent burns. When this light hits your face, your life force energy is triggered. Chemical reactions occur: dopamine increases, cortisol decreases. This keeps the time-keeping center of your brain (the suprachiasmatic nucleus) stable.
Have a diary
Another important part of a beneficial morning routine is introspection. Meditate, pray, do yoga, or engage in any other activity that helps center you for the day. Studies show that regular journaling can lead to mental and physical changes. Journaling enthusiast Michael Grothaus has noted that people who journal have healthier immune systems , lower blood pressure, better sleep , and better overall health than those who don’t.

Other science-backed benefits of journaling include:
- A reduction in depression symptoms comparable to those of cognitive behavioral therapy.
- Improved and more resilient mood (after just three days of journaling).
In essence, journaling allows you to perceive your own thoughts more effectively and objectively. In addition, it allows you to become your own therapist and reframe unhealthy thought patterns. It’s really a great way to center yourself at the start of your day!
Keep your mind clear and focused
Concentration is the ability to focus your full attention on a particular activity to the exclusion of everything else. Internal and external stimuli are effectively filtered out while the task at hand occupies your full awareness. This level of concentration allows you to take in every nuance and detail to accomplish each task with meticulousness. The ability to focus is also a critical aspect of learning and retaining knowledge!
Although it is often associated with old age , poor mental focus can occur at any stage of life. Environmental factors, such as a cluttered workspace, chatty coworkers, and/or excessive background noise, can make it very difficult to concentrate. Internal distractions can also be problematic. Stress, poor diet, lack of vital energy, physical pain, or lack of sleep can all affect the quality of our concentration. Therefore, identifying the habits and factors that contribute to poor mental focus is essential to improving our ability to focus.
The main factors that affect our concentration:
Lack of sleep can also significantly affect our ability to concentrate. Insufficient or interrupted sleep increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, obesity, depression or anxiety. Poor sleep also makes it more difficult to concentrate. A recent study showed that insufficient sleep can reduce our brain's ability to filter external stimuli, thereby increasing distractibility. Lack of sleep is also associated with cognitive performance deficits (like confusion or memory loss), which can make even the simplest tasks tedious.
Being well-rested is one of the best ways to improve our mental focus and concentration abilities . 7 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep for adults is considered a “good night’s sleep.” Sleep is critical for the vital energy that helps our bodies and minds function optimally. Healthy lifestyle choices, such as establishing a sleep schedule and practicing good sleep hygiene, can help improve the quantity and quality of our rest. Practicing different relaxation techniques for sleep can help us fall asleep faster and get the full hours we need.
Our diet
Diets that lack essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals are not only bad for the body, they can also have a detrimental effect on our brains. A diet low in fat is considered to have a negative impact on our brain's ability to function. Diets high in sugar and ultra-processed ingredients often cause spikes and drops in blood sugar levels that impair our ability to concentrate. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies (like vitamin B & D) can contribute to poor concentration. Hunger, which is linked to poor eating habits, can also disrupt your ability to concentrate. Hunger is also associated with low blood sugar, which can lead to fatigue, anxiety, irritability and lack of vital energy.
Fortunately, there’s a wealth of evidence to suggest that a healthy, balanced diet can regulate the intricacies of how your body and mind function. It’s important to incorporate plenty of brain foods into your daily meals. Oily fish, berries, legumes, nuts, and green vegetables all contain essential vitamins and nutrients that improve brain health (while boosting overall cognition).
Our body cannot function properly without adequate hydration. Dehydration can increase the risk of overheating, muscle/joint damage, headaches and fatigue. A study from the Georgia Institute of Technology reported that nearly two hours of intense exercise in the heat without hydration can have a massive impact on one's ability to concentrate.

Adequate hydration is vital for our survival. It regulates body temperature, lubricates our muscles and joints, and distributes nutrients throughout the body. Nearly 60% of the human adult body is made up of water. Our brain is made up of approximately 73% water. All vital functions of the brain, from cells to hormones and neurotransmitters, rely heavily on water. Although there is no hard and fast rule, it is widely recommended for adults to drink at least 0.5 to 1 liter of water per day. Adequate hydration can improve sleep, mood, and mental focus!
Doing too many things at once
Aside from a few “UFOs” capable of effectively accomplishing several simultaneous activities, trying to multitask most often proves counterproductive. Research indicates that fragmenting our attention between multiple tasks reduces productivity by up to 40%. Studies also show that dividing our attention across multiple tasks can decrease overall accuracy in task completion.
Focusing on one thing at a time may be the best solution. This can seem daunting, especially if your to-do list seems endless. But a little research can help you discover a task management method that suits your needs.
A popular approach is called the "Pomodoro" technique. This method was designed to help us complete activities/projects, one “pomodoro” at a time. Each “pomodoro” consists of 25-minute segments of uninterrupted concentration, followed by a 5-minute break. After four pomodoros, you can take an extended break of 20 to 30 minutes, giving your brain time to rest and process information before the next set. This particular method is designed to help apply laser focus to the task at hand (while preventing distraction and burnout).
Stress Management
High levels of stress are counterproductive to maintaining optimal health and well-being. Stress and anxiety increase cortisol and adrenaline levels in the brain. Chronic stress can lead to excessive exposure to cortisol and can negatively affect our memory, focus, and overall cognition. Learning to keep stress under control is crucial to managing constant interruptions and maintaining overall brain function.
While it may seem difficult to avoid stress altogether, there are ways to cope with frequent stressors. Mindfulness and meditation practices have many holistic benefits that include: boosting focus, improving vital energy, and promoting a sense of mental tranquility. Exercise and physical activity are also great ways to manage stress, as well as improve concentration and focus. It has been shown that just one intense workout can improve learning and memory in young adults. And of course, getting enough sleep is essential to maintaining lower stress levels.
In many ways, mental focus is like a muscle, the more you train it, the stronger it becomes. Other methods can improve our ability to concentrate mentally:
- Eliminate or limit nearby notifications and distractions when you need to focus on a task
- “Connect” more with nature,
- Create practical time management schedules.
With a little work and determination, these healthy strategies and habits go a long way toward strengthening your ability to concentrate, even when you're faced with constant interruptions!
Here are other methods to improve our ability to concentrate:
Now let's talk about physical exercise, a good workout is as beneficial for your brain as it is for your muscles. According to the Harvard Health blog, scientific studies show that exercise "stimulates the release of chemicals in the brain that affect the health of brain cells, the growth of new blood vessels in the brain, and even the abundance and survival of new brain cells.
Often called “meditation in movement,” Yoga leads us to focus on both breathing and the body. Yoga trains the mind to focus on the present moment. Although the distractions of daily life can follow us even during a session, movement and breathing require concentration, and over time, concentration comes more easily. A difficult posture like the crow or forearm balance requires our full attention!

We have all heard that meditation is excellent for maintaining our mental abilities. However, in our already busy daily lives, we do not often find a few minutes during the day for meditation. Take the time to integrate a few minutes of meditation into your daily life. Many people notice an improvement in their ability to concentrate in just a few days.
Can CBD influence our vital energy?
CBD is a natural chemical substance found in hemp and represents up to 40% of the plant's extract. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), it does not have an intoxicating effect. CBD uniquely interacts with the brain and cognition.
Known for its ability to provide a healthy response to stress, pain, or promote better rest, CBD also shows promising results for supporting mental alertness and motivation. When learning new stress management techniques, CBD can help soothe the mind and calm the nerves. CBD thus helps facilitate focus and mental clarity.
CBD can act as a natural stimulant, triggering serotonin receptors in the brain whose sole purpose is to regulate our mood and vital energy levels. Studies conducted on humans and rats have shown CBD’s ability to combat fatigue and sleepiness. Proper consumption of CBD boosts metabolism by inducing the digestive process, which can help you feel more alert and attentive.
CBD's ability to positively influence bodily ailments plays a role in its effectiveness as an energy supplement. For example, if taken before bed, CBD can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Sleep allows the body to rest and replenish energy resources for the next day.
How to use CBD to strengthen your vital energy?
If you're consuming CBD to benefit from a potential energy boost, it's important to remember that it's nothing like drinking a cup of coffee or energy drinks. The “boost” generated by CBD is not instantaneous or necessarily tangible, and will not give you a feeling of hyperactivity or overexcitement.
As an all-natural stimulant, CBD can offer a slower, more sustained release of vital energy throughout the body. Compared to caffeine, CBD is considered lighter, gentler, but also effective.
If you've been having trouble concentrating recently, you're definitely not alone. A study conducted by the Technical University of Denmark suggests that attention span is decreasing globally. According to the study, the information age has not only saturated us with voluminous data, but has also reduced our collective attention span and ability to process it. Another survey found that digital notifications lead to decreased concentration, procrastination, and lower productivity. But digital media is not “absolute evil.”
A number of factors can hinder the ability to concentrate. Fatigue, stress, sleep deprivation, poor diet or dehydration can all impair our mental acuity. Fortunately, healthy lifestyle choices, simple techniques as well as natural supplements (like CBD oil products) exist to improve focus, thereby improving our efficiency and productivity.
How can CBD help improve concentration?
Cannabidiol is widely known for its analgesic and sedative properties. But CBD can also be effective in supporting mental focus. After THC, cannabidiol (or CBD) is a primary active cannabinoid, one of the 10 most important cannabinoids found in the hemp plant. Research suggests that CBD interacts directly with our endocannabinoid system (a complex system of cannabinoid receptors in the body, better known as the ECS) to produce a variety of effects, from encouraging relaxation to promoting relief from anxiety. pain. Other data has indicated that CBD's neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties may even promote brain health and improved cognition.
Coffee and CBD
Some studies suggest that CBD and caffeine may have a synergistic relationship. Caffeine is an active ingredient found in coffee and well known for its stimulating effect. Caffeine one of the most popular stimulants worldwide. According to one estimate, around 1.4 billion cups of coffee are consumed every day around the world.
Our modern society is often “obsessed” with optimizing productivity. In our busy daily lives, coffee helps us feel more productive by increasing alertness and concentration. Studies show that caffeine stimulates by increasing brain and nervous system activity. Caffeine, in small doses, also helps circulate cortisol and adrenaline, which changes our perception and can make us feel more focused and alert.

The effects of caffeine
This doesn't mean caffeine is perfect. In small doses, it can help us feel sharper, more alert and able to concentrate for longer. This doesn't mean that caffeine doesn't have bothersome side effects. Caffeine can actually make some of us more jittery, anxious or nauseous. Consumed in high doses, caffeine, a diuretic, can make us go to the bathroom several times a day, which can dehydrate us and amplify certain side effects.
These side effects can make it more difficult to concentrate and be productive. CBD may reduce some adverse effects of caffeine.
Some people add a few drops of CBD to their coffee in the morning to limit the potential negative side effects of caffeine, especially if they know they are sensitive to caffeine.
Some studies argue that CBD has a calming effect on the ECS and can reduce the anxiety felt when we drink too much coffee. Another study concluded that interactions between CBD and CB1 receptors in the central nervous system help slow down the chemical signals that cause muscle spasms. This can help limit tremors, cramps or chills, generated by excessive caffeine consumption. Studies have demonstrated that CBD’s regulating effect on the ECS can facilitate the decline of caffeine in the body. CBD can have a calming effect on the ECS, which can make it easier to rest after consuming too much caffeine during the day.
Interactions between caffeine and CBD
Other studies suggest that CBD may amplify the stimulating effects of caffeine because they both interact with the same neurotransmitters, such as adenosine. The body naturally produces adenosine to promote relaxation before sleep, leading to more restful sleep.
Caffeine interacts with adenosine receptors, preventing them from doing their job. This explains why people drink regular coffee or various other caffeinated drinks when they are tired, to avoid succumbing to that feeling of sleepiness.
Caffeine makes you feel more energetic and less tired, while CBD helps to regulate the proper functioning of the body. This is useful when you need the energizing effects of caffeine, while still needing to rest when the day comes to an end.
Vital energy and CBD
There remains a strong hypothesis that CBD has a sedative effect. CBD is not a sedative compound like sleeping pills. But CBD, consumed in quantity or with melatonin, has been shown to greatly promote relaxation and relaxation before bed. Conversely, many of us consume CBD for energy.
Can CBD give us more vital energy and promote concentration?
CBD can give us a boost of energy, but time of intake and dosage are key.
In a 2014 study, cannabidiol was investigated as a wakefulness-promoting agent. Research found that CBD injections increased dopamine levels in the hypothalamus.
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter promoting alertness, learning, motivation, good mood and heart rate. An increase in dopamine levels can improve concentration and feelings of alertness.
CBD can give some people a boost of energy. However, its mechanisms for supporting vital energy and concentration are complicated to understand.
First of all, it is important to note that cannabidiol affects each of us differently because it interacts primarily with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), regulator of energy metabolism among many other processes responsible for optimizing primary functions.
CBD does not readily bind to CB1 and CB2 receptors. Instead, it works by slowing the release of enzymes that break down internally produced cannabinoids (endocannabinoids). This helps the ECS function smoothly to transmit messages throughout the body for homeostasis (balance).
Depending on different factors related to genetics, lifestyle or other underlying conditions, everyone's health status can vary. If you naturally have low vital energy levels, CBD may be helpful in supporting it. Conversely, CBD can also produce calming effects for the most stressed among us.
The time of day you take CBD oil can also affect the effects. For those looking to take advantage of CBD for energy, it’s best to take it earlier in the day, in the morning.
In conclusion: Can CBD boost our vital energy?
CBD is not a miracle solution, despite all the marketing claims that can be found here and there. Its unique interaction with the ECS system gives CBD a wide range of effects.
Although CBD oil is a promising dietary supplement that has improved the quality of life for many people, there are many ways to improve your energy levels and overall health. Also it can enhance the effectiveness of CBD to stimulate vital energy and concentration.
If you're having trouble finding the energy to meet the daily demands, make sure you stay hydrated, better control stress, eat balanced meals, and sleep well at night. To be beneficial, CBD can only be a complement to a balanced lifestyle.