Huile CBG

CBG oil contains cannabigerol, a cannabinoid, one of many chemical compounds found in cannabis plants. The best-known cannabinoids are cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). However, there has recently been more interest in the potential benefits of CBG.

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The potential benefits of CBG Oil

CBG oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic potentials which makes it interesting for relieving pain . Moreover, CBG is a precursor to other cannabinoids in the hemp life cycle. This is explained by the fact that CBG-A, the acid form of CBG, breaks down to form CBG, CBD, THC and CBC (cannabichromene, another cannabinoid).

How to make CBG Oil?

In its natural form, CBG is related to the hemp plant. To consume the CBG found in the plant, one can vaporize CBG-rich flowers . One can also cook with the material, but these options are less convenient. In its pure, isolated form, CBG is a powdery substance. However, CBG isolate powder lacks other health-promoting cannabinoids and terpenes, and most importantly, loses the entourage effect. One way to make CBG oil is to reconstitute the oil from CBG isolate and a carrier oil. Then, other cannabinoids and terpenes can be added to recreate the entourage effect . CBG oil is made from the aerial parts of CBG-dominant hemp strains. They naturally contain other cannabinoids (like CBD) and terpenes found in the plant .

CBG oil is said to be of interest for many things, including supporting health and wellness. Studies show that CBG has a similar effect on the mind as CBD oil. And while there is little evidence so far on the side effects of CBG oil, its close cannabis relatives generally have good safety profiles for humans.

A minor cannabinoid

CBG is a minor cannabinoid. Certain cannabis strains are bred to produce high levels of CBG from CBGA. These molecules are present produced early in the plant's life cycle. Like CBD and THC, CBG interacts with cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 found throughout the body.

In summary, the cannabinoid CBG is known in particular for its support of the digestive system and for the almost coffee-like energy and focus it can provide. It is also said to support healthy skin, and like CBD, the effects of CBG can also help manage daily stress and maintain a positive mood.