CBD Oils + Melatonin
CBD Oil and Melatonin
CBD and melatonin work very well together. Melatonin is a brain chemical that everyone makes on their own. The amount of melatonin produced decreases as we age . It plays a vital role in regulating the body’s daily and yearly biological rhythms, including the sleep/wake cycle. Newborns have a lot of melatonin, which is why they sleep so much. It remains high for most people through their teenage years and even into college. However, some people produce much more than others. There is a genetic component to this, which is probably why you may see insomnia run in families.
Introduction to Melatonin
Melatonin is known as the sleep hormone, so its combination with CBD could help you sleep better. It is also a natural indoleamine, which is a family of neurotransmitters that includes serotonin. This is interesting to know because melatonin and serotonin are closely linked. So, serotonin deficiency can also lead to decreased melatonin levels. Serotonin, like melatonin, interacts favorably with CBD.
How does melatonin work?
Melatonin does more to help us fall asleep than to keep us asleep all night. Melatonin, combined with CBD, could therefore help with insomnia . In other words, melatonin is part of the body's vital biological clock function, the circadian rhythm. Melatonin comes from the bone marrow, platelets, eyes, skin, and lymphocytes. However, it is mainly regulated by the pineal gland (just behind the forehead). When everything is working well, a high dose is released shortly before bedtime. This helps us fall asleep. However, there are several things that can go wrong due to our modern lifestyle.
Light and melatonin
One of these obstacles is exposure to light. We've evolved to respond to sunrise and sunset, with a surge in melatonin around 2-3 hours after sunset, making us sleepy. For example, if the sun sets at 7:00 p.m., our body would want us to go to bed at 10:00 p.m.
Being far from the equator, the sun can set before 5pm in winter and after 9pm in summer. This is usually not a problem in summer. However, in winter, this early sunset can encourage sleep around 7 or 8pm. Most people don’t go to bed that early and since the effect of melatonin wears off after 2-3 hours, it’s common to have a second burst of energy right around bedtime. CBD may help combat everyday stress , so a dose of melatonin before bed may be helpful.
Artificial light poses an even bigger problem. Even brief exposure to light around 9 or 10 p.m. can delay the natural release of melatonin by a few hours, meaning we might miss nature's cue to go to sleep. It is therefore interesting to use a supplement with melatonin which can be combined with CBD.
CBD and Melatonin
Most research on cannabidiol (CBD) has focused on its possible benefits for anxiety disorders, perceived stress, and feelings of general anxiety. This research is useful for sleep problems because sleep disruptions related to stress and anxiety are quite common. It is thanks to this research that the interest in combining CBD and melatonin emerged.
At this point, the research is more strongly indicating that CBD is helpful for sleep issues related to stress and anxiety. This application is also supported by research indicating the use of CBD for anxiety-related issues. CBD for stress related to melatonin to promote sleep is therefore an interesting combination.
CBD can support sleep disruptions throughout the night, while melatonin can support falling asleep. This combination may work to support sleep overall. Interestingly, some people may find that CBD makes them more alert , but without an increase in anxiety. In these people, using CBD at night may negatively impact sleep, while using it earlier in the day may support sleep. This phenomenon is why melatonin in combination with CBD used at night and over a short-term period may address more significant sleep issues, as melatonin can offset the stimulating effects of CBD.