Insomnia, how to improve the quality of our sleep?
Insomnia, lack of sleep: why is it so important?
If you are having difficulty sleeping well, know that you are not an isolated case. There are different solutions to improve the quality of your sleep. A little more than 30% of adults sleep less than seven hours per night, without experiencing any particular fatigue. Maybe you are one of them? You don't feel the effects on a daily basis, but your lack of sleep can have consequences on your body.
Can CBD Help Us Sleep Well? Sleep is undoubtedly one of the most important factors in our health and well-being. Yet for millions of people, quality sleep is difficult to obtain. There is no shortage of advice on how to improve your sleep. Many include sleeping in a dark room and avoiding bright screens at night. It is also important to keep the room cool.
About Insomnia
About 30 to 40 percent of adults experience sleep disturbances at some point during the year. Insomnia can make it difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep , or get quality sleep. Scientific studies have linked insomnia to an increased risk of heart problems, diabetes, and accidental death. Yet many people don't take the dangers of chronic sleep deprivation very seriously.
Insomnia can have many causes, from stress and lifestyle habits to conditions and medications. Insomnia can quickly increase our fatigue and stress, but there are ways to improve the quality of our sleep.
CBD has been studied as a potential treatment for insomnia, to help you sleep well. Preliminary results are promising.
What are the main causes of insomnia?
Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling and staying asleep. It can lead to daytime fatigue, poor performance at work or school, and strained relationships.
The good news is that there are many natural and effective ways to treat insomnia. CBD may help us sleep well, for example . But the first step is to understand what is causing it. Many factors can contribute to insomnia, including stress, medication use, chronic pain, and environmental factors.
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that affects people chronically or temporarily. Chronic insomnia is diagnosed if someone has trouble sleeping at least three nights a week for three months or more. It may disappear suddenly, then reappear for long periods of time.
In cases of chronic insomnia, appropriate treatments may be recommended by your doctor on prescription. But many people do not like to use them for fear of unwanted side effects. This is where CBD can be interesting to sleep well without fear of addiction. Most doctors suggest gradual changes in our daily lives. There is diet, exercise or stress management techniques , before prescribing therapeutic treatment. Short-term or acute insomnia is a brief period of difficulty sleeping. It is often linked to stressful events or a change in routine. But it tends to resolve itself.

What are the main types of insomnia?
- Fall-onset insomnia (SOI)
A fairly common form of insomnia is sleep-onset insomnia, linked to difficulty falling asleep at the start of the night. Often, those affected think that they can only fall asleep after several hours. There are many treatments available for sleep onset insomnia. Managing its underlying causes is often the most effective and lasting approach.
Falling asleep insomnia can be caused by many factors. These include stress, anxiety, depression, pain and medication side effects. Falling asleep insomnia can also be a symptom of another sleep disorder. Like restless legs syndrome (RLS) or obstructive sleep apnea. As it can relieve stress and pain, CBD can help us sleep.
- Sleep-maintenance insomnia (or the inability to stay asleep for a long time)
Sleep-maintenance insomnia is characterized by the ability to fall asleep, but wake up several times times. This disrupts our ability to get deep, restorative sleep.
It is difficult to determine the cause of sleep-maintenance insomnia. This can come from stress or from consuming certain foods or medications. If this persists long term, you should seek advice from your doctor.
Signs You're Not Getting Enough Sleep
Eight hours of sleep each night is the general rule for adults. Some people need more sleep than others.
If you're not getting enough sleep, there may be telltale signs. Understanding these signs can help you get quality sleep and stay fit and healthy.
Besides feeling lethargic and tired throughout the day, here are some other telltale signs:
- Difficulty concentrating
- Poor short term memory
- Irritability
- Changes in appetite
- Clumsiness
If this sounds like you, take a closer look at your current lifestyle habits and stress levels. You'll see if there are any adjustments you could make before resorting to specific products. CBD could also be an ally for better sleep .
What are the common reasons for lack of sleep?
About a third of adults suffer from insomnia, sometimes occasionally. We all know that sleep is important. When we don't get enough sleep, we deprive our bodies and minds of recovery processes.
Without adequate sleep, we put ourselves at risk of fatigue, but also other health problems. We're going to look at some of the most common reasons for sleep deprivation.
- Stress and anxiety
It's normal to have difficulty falling asleep when we're preoccupied or anxious. Prolonged feelings of anxiety can cause you to lose sight of a normal sleep pattern. It can last for months, even years. This leads to a vicious cycle of bad stress levels and insomnia.
High levels of the stress hormone cortisol make it difficult to achieve peace of mind and get quality sleep. When we don't get enough sleep, we are more prone to stress.
CBN ( Cannabinol , see details at the end of the article) and CBD can help with sleep by acting on stress by increasing levels of GABA in the brain, which is a neurotransmitter that limits the hyperactivity of cortisol.
- The pain
Pain is one of the main reasons people report not being able to sleep normally.
If you have chronic pain or an injury, you might end up falling asleep. However, sudden movements can cause pain, stimulate the central nervous system, wake you up and make it difficult to calm down and return to sleep.
CBD and CBG have shown anti-inflammatory potential by stimulating the release of specialized fatty acids that inhibit the inflammatory response. Since pain is linked to inflammation, compounds that help support a healthy inflammatory response can offer pain relief. By relieving pain, CBD can help you sleep better.
- Treatments
Some prescription treatments can interfere with our sleep. Common medications known to cause insomnia include serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs) prescribed for anxiety and stress and corticosteroids to ease pain.
What is circadian rhythm?
Circadian rhythm is the cycle of our body’s functions over the course of a 24-hour day, orchestrated by our brain’s internal clock. One of the most important components of circadian rhythm is the sleep-wake cycle, which takes cues from our environment and habits, but is primarily related to daylight and darkness. When there is light in our environment, especially outdoors, the brain signals us to be awake and alert. When it is dark, the brain signals our system that it is time to sleep and sends melatonin into our system.
It was an efficient system for our ancestors, whose rhythm of life was linked to the cycles of nature. Today, electricity, television, smartphones can of course keep our brains awake, not to mention caffeine consumption. We are also not always equipped to deal with our daily stress, which can also interfere with our relaxation and sleep. As you will have understood, CBD can relieve stress and therefore help you sleep.

How to better manage your sleep schedule?
If you don't suspect a larger problem that needs a doctor's attention, such as sleep apnea or narcolepsy, and you find yourself having difficulty sleeping well too often, try adjusting your sleep schedule better. You may be surprised at your ability to improve the quality of your sleep yourself.
Here are some ideas:
Set times and stick to them: Go to bed every night and get up at the same time every morning, even on weekends. This helps anchor your sleep and wake time into your circadian rhythm and helps you fall asleep and wake up more easily.
Turn off TV, Smartphone or Tablets at least 30 minutes before bed: When it's time to sleep, your body secretes melatonin , but the blue light from the smartphone or tablet interferes with the calming effect created by melatonin.
Be aware of light: expose yourself to bright, preferably natural light in the morning and avoid too bright lights in the evening.
Avoid naps during the day: they may make it more difficult to fall asleep in the evening. If you need to take a nap, try to limit it to 30 minutes; longer naps may interfere more and leave you sleepy in the evening.
Exercise regularly during the day: Regular exercise has been shown to promote deeper, more restful sleep. 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day is enough.
Check your sleeping environment: is it dark enough? If not, try dimming all light sources. Is your room quiet enough? If not, white noise can help. Is the temperature suitable? The ideal temperature is around 18 degrees.
But also :
Do you have a good bed? This may seem basic, but if your mattress is too old or doesn't suit your body type, it can affect your sleep and you may wake up with pain or stiffness.
Don't eat before bed: Your last meal should be at least a few hours before bed, allowing your digestive system to do its job before bed. Also keep in mind that alcohol disrupts your circadian rhythm.
Avoid caffeine after 4 p.m.: The later in the day you consume caffeine, the more it can interfere with your sleep.
Try CBD to sleep well: The endocannabinoid system regulates circadian rhythms. This system helps maintain bodily functions such as appetite, mood and sleep. Research suggests that CBD may help with falling asleep and staying asleep. Used in conjunction with the other tips above, CBD can become a valuable tool when it comes to sleeping well.
Food and sleep
Our diet also plays a significant (and often underestimated) role in determining the quality of our sleep. Foods ingested have an important role for many bodily functions, including our ability to fall and stay asleep. The right foods can help us to sleep better, while some foods will have the opposite effect and may prevent us from sleeping deeply and long.
Here are three eating habits that can help improve your sleep, and three that can hinder it.
Good habit #1: Try tryptophan in the evening
Tryptophan is an amino acid that helps our body produce serotonin. This molecule calms us and helps us sleep well. Many people associate it with post-meal sleepiness. Turkey, pumpkin seeds, salmon and even peanut butter contain a lot of tryptophan. So consider one of these foods for dinner or a healthy evening snack. But don't eat too many of these foods, as it can have the opposite effect on your sleep quality.
Bad habit #1: Avoid overeating in the evening
Eating the right foods can help improve our sleep, but don't eat too much. Eating a good meal too close to bedtime can have the opposite effect. Our bodies will still be digesting food while we are trying to fall asleep. This also goes for high-fat meals and spicy foods. Both can trigger heartburn, creating an uncomfortable feeling that could make it difficult to fall asleep. On the other hand, a small CBD gummies at the end of a meal can help you sleep.
This doesn't mean you can't enjoy fatty or spicy foods in the evening. But if your dinner includes foods of this type, it would be wise to eat early to give our stomach time to digest it.
Good habit #2: Focus on fiber
Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet for many reasons. They are good for our digestive system, keep us full and aid in weight loss, and help keep our blood sugar levels in balance. They are even associated with deeper and more restful sleep with fewer awakenings. So try adding fiber-rich foods to your evening routine. We especially love popcorn as a tasty, fiber-rich snack.
Bad habit #2: Watch out for carbs
When it comes to sleep, carbs can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, eating a meal high in carbohydrates can make us sleepy in the short term. But eating too many carbs can also harm our overall sleep quality.
Good habit #3: Adopt a balanced diet
Research has shown that the quality of our sleep can be hampered by a deficiency of nutrients, including calcium, magnesium or vitamins A, C, D, E and K. Are you looking for a healthy source of these vitamins and minerals? Try some of these nutrient-rich foods:
Dairy products and leafy green vegetables are excellent sources of calcium.
For magnesium, snack on a handful of pumpkin seeds (also a great source of tryptophan).
For vitamin A, think of carrots, rich in beta-carotene which our body transforms into vitamin A.
For vitamin C, avoid oranges high in sugar and opt for a bell pepper instead.
For vitamin D, try salmon or mushrooms.
For vitamin E, walnuts, almonds, peanuts and hazelnuts are all good sources.
For vitamin K, consider a salad with plenty of green vegetables like spinach.
In general, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is also a diet rich in vitamins and minerals that can facilitate restful sleep. A good food motto would be: when you are hesitant, always eat more fruits and vegetables.
Bad habit #3: Don't drink too close to bedtime
Many people rightly avoid drinking coffee in the afternoon and evening. After all, consuming caffeine late in the day may interfere with our ability to fall asleep.
Alcohol can also have unwanted effects and affect the quality of our sleep. In other words: alcohol may make you sleep, but you'll be more likely to wake up in the middle of the night. Try not to drink too much alcohol too close to bedtime, your overall health will be better. You can replace alcohol with CBD which will help you sleep.
But what about other drinks? Is it recommended to drink other beverages (besides caffeine and alcohol) before bed?
It’s all about finding the right balance. On the one hand, you don’t want to be dehydrated at night, so drinking water or herbal tea might be a good idea. But on the other hand, you don’t want to drink too much, or you might have to get up several times during the night. A cup of chamomile tea will be enough to achieve this balance. CBD infusions could be a good choice for sleeping well
Let's talk about dreams
Dreams have always been and continue to be sources of fascination and intrigue since the dawn of time.
Why do we dream? Where do our dreams come from? How are they created? Scientists still do not all agree or are certain of their approach today; there are in fact several theories.
Some theories suggest that dreams are a way for our brains to process and make sense of our memories, while others argue that dreams serve as emotional regulators. During sleep, the brain is more active in consolidating memories and emotions, which is thought to help us better understand and make sense of our experiences.
Let's not forget psychoanalysts, who most often believe that dreams are a real door to the unconscious, revealing our deepest desires and repressed feelings.
But honestly, all we really know is that dreams are a strange and wild experience, the product of the still-mysterious inner workings of our brain.

What happens in the brain while we dream?
Researchers have observed that the human brain is much more active during sleep than when awake, especially during a phase of sleep called rapid eye movements.
During the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep phase, our brain is in overdrive, activating the regions responsible for visual, emotional and memory processing. This is when dreams happen, even if we don't necessarily remember them the next morning.
If you sleep eight hours a night, you might spend a quarter of that time in REM sleep.
The REM phase usually begins about 90 minutes after falling asleep and can last several minutes to an hour. During this phase, the body's muscles become temporarily paralyzed, preventing us from physically acting or reacting while we dream.
The other phase of sleep, called non-rapid eye movement (NREM), occurs in three stages. This phase when we achieve deep sleep, while our body works to regenerate cells and strengthen our immune system.
Together, these sleep phases form the basis of a good night's sleep, ensuring that we wake up refreshed, refreshed and ready to take on a new day.
What are nightmares?
Nightmares are vivid, disturbing dreams that usually occur during the REM sleep phase. These bad dreams can range from the mundane to the truly terrifying, leaving you shaken and disturbed when you wake up.
Experts believe that nightmares are a way for our brain to process and cope with stressful or traumatic experiences. Certain medications, sleep disorders, or even certain foods can also trigger them. And let's not forget the impact of our current affairs, our perception of the state of the world or the climate for example can indeed also affect our dreams.
One theory posits that nightmares are a way for our brain to process and work through difficult emotions and traumatic experiences. Like “normal” dreams, while we sleep our brain processes and organizes memories and emotions, but these memories and emotions are often much more disturbing in what we call nightmares.

Can CBD influence the intensity and memories of our dreams?
Every night we dream, but what makes a dream more or less vivid is the more or less precise memory we have of it. No matter how strange a dream may seem to us, we begin to forget them within minutes of waking up.
The most common explanation for this forgetting is that the hippocampus (the part of the brain responsible for memory consolidation) is less active during REM sleep, which could mean that memories formed in a dream may not be encoded as strongly as our waking memories of received information.
Although most dreams disappear, some remain. Intense or strange dreams will capture our attention more and increase our brain activity. So, the more impressive our dream, the more likely we are to remember it.
How to have more vivid dreams?
The Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Jung had a unique perspective on dreams. He believed that dreams were a way for the subconscious mind to communicate with the conscious mind. According to Jung, dreams reflect the unconscious mind, revealing our deepest desires, fears, and unresolved issues.
Carl Jung also believed that dreams have symbolic meanings. He developed a method called "dream analysis" to help people understand the hidden messages in their dreams. He believed that by interpreting the symbols in our dreams, we could gain insight into our subconscious mind and better understand ourselves.
Believing in this theory, many people try to have more vivid dreams to remember them better. Some implement lucid dreaming techniques to connect with their subconscious. The dreamer is fully aware that he is dreaming, even to the point of acting in his own dream.
There are several methods to try to achieve more vivid dreams and even achieve a lucid dream state:
Keep a dream journal. Writing down your dreams every morning can help you remember more details and make your dreams more vivid.
Incorporate dream-inducing herbs or supplements. Certain herbs and supplements, such as valerian root, melatonin, or CBD, can in some cases help with sleep and increase the chances of vivid dreams.
Incorporate activities that promote sleep. Activities like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises can help relax the body and mind. And thus facilitate better sleep, which can lead to more vivid dreams.
Change your diet: Eating a diet rich in vitamin B6, magnesium and calcium can help promote vivid dreams.
The endocannabinoid system and sleep
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a complex network of receptors and chemicals that regulate many bodily functions, including sleep. The ECS includes two types of receptors, CB1 and CB2. The chemicals that bind to these receptors are called endocannabinoids.
Endocannabinoids, such as anandamide, are naturally produced by the body. They bind to CB1 receptors present in the brain to help regulate its activity. When this balance is disrupted, it can lead to sleep problems.
CBD interacts with the ECS and affects CB1 receptors in the brain. CBD is believed to enhance the activity of endocannabinoids in the body. This could help regulate brain activity and balance, leading to better sleep quality. CBD could therefore help you sleep.
Research on CBD and the ECS is fairly new. Scientists are still working to understand the complexities of the endocannabinoid system. And how it can impact circadian rhythm and sleep.
What does Research say about CBD for sleeping well?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a unique compound in the sense that it impacts individuals differently depending on their genetics, lifestyle, but also mode of consumption and dosage. Some people find that CBD helps improve focus and alertness, while others use it to relax to promote restful sleep.
Several studies discuss the positive impact that CBD can have on the ability to sleep well. Further research is needed to fully understand the complexities of cannabinoids and their therapeutic effects in the sleep-wake cycle.
CBD may promote relaxation
One of the main reasons for our sleep problems has to do with stress and anxiety, as our incessant thoughts can sometimes make it very difficult to fall asleep. The potential of CBD to reduce our anxiety can therefore help us sleep more easily.
CBD is the subject of much research for its anxiolytic potential. Researchers believe it could promote relaxation in two ways:
- Increased levels of the body's primary endocannabinoid, anandamide - also known as the "bliss molecule".
- Increased GABA activity in our brain, a real regulator of our stress.
So, could CBD help us sleep well? If you've ever had a restless night due to stress, you know that it's important to find ways to relax to reduce our anxiety levels and thus improve our sleep. Daily stress can also be a factor in lack of sleep. Have you ever found yourself lying awake at night with your thoughts racing? Stress negatively impacts the quality of our sleep. CBD is known to help facilitate calming and relaxation.
CBD may support muscle relaxation
Acute injuries and chronic pain can also be important causes of sleep disorders. Even if you manage to fall asleep, a sudden movement can stimulate the central nervous system, waking you up. Many people use CBD to relieve pain.
CBD is thought to support comfort in several ways:
- CBD may have anti-inflammatory effects by inhibiting cytokines that signal the inflammatory response, which can reduce swelling and pain at the site of pain.
- CBD may interact with vanilloid receptor sites, which are involved in temperature sensation and pain signals to the brain.
- CBD's relaxing and mood-boosting potential through GABA receptors may help minimize pain sensations.
Can CBD help with nightmares?
Nightmares also remain a great mystery in the understanding of dreams. But many experts believe they are the product of our anxiety. The dreams that we remember best are often the most intense and linked to strong emotions.
While there are some anecdotal reports of experiencing nightmares after using CBD oil , there is very little specific information on the subject. In fact, the mechanism of CBD oil on the body suggests that it may potentially help reduce the frequency of nightmares.
CBD is suggested to reduce anxiety because it binds to serotonin receptors found in our brains. Serotonin is a chemical messenger that regulates mood, anxiety, and sleep, which can lead to fewer nightmares and less intense nightmares.
Several studies have shown that CBD may help you sleep better and reduce the frequency and intensity of nightmares.
How to consume CBD to improve our sleep?
CBD oil for sleep: CBD oil is an excellent, easy-to-use option to easily integrate it into our daily lives. All of our oils contain CBD as well as phytocannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and can easily be mixed with your favorite food or drink.
CBD Capsules for Sleep: When you're short on time, CBD capsules make it easy to add hemp extract to your wellness routine. They go where you go, providing precise input with every shot.
CBD Gummies for Sleep : If you are looking for a more gourmet alternative.
Some products are combined with the popular natural sleep aid, melatonin. CBD and melatonin are two compounds that have been studied for their potential benefits as sleep aids. They work in different ways but when combined, they can have a synergistic effect that improves sleep quality by reducing sleep interruptions and anxious thoughts.
Melatonin, for those unfamiliar, is a hormone that regulates our circadian rhythm cycles. Our body naturally secretes melatonin as part of our sleep/wake cycle to prepare the body for rest. Sometimes excessive exposure to screens, jet lag, or a rotating work schedule can disrupt our melatonin production, which is why a melatonin intake can help our body readjust to a proper sleep routine.

How to consume CBD to effectively improve the quality of our sleep?
Take CBD an hour before bed
CBD is not a sedative, so don't expect it to knock you out right away. People who use CBD for sleep take it up to an hour before bedtime to help their minds and bodies relax and prepare for rest. In addition to taking your CBD, you can also implement recommended sleep hygiene tips, such as limiting your caffeine intake in the afternoon, reducing screen time, and maintaining a cooler temperature in the room.
Taking higher doses of CBD
The effects of CBD depend on the dose. CBD appears to have much more relaxing and sleep-promoting effects at higher doses ( above 50 mg ). Look for a product with a high CBD potency, indicated on the label in mg of CBD. To get higher dosages without spending too much money, it is best to find CBD oils or capsules with a higher concentration ( 20, 30, or even 40% for oils and 25 to 50 mg per capsule).
Full Spectrum Spectrum or Broad Spectrum Spectrum CBD, which one to choose?
Research shows that CBD works best alongside other phytochemicals naturally found in hemp. When purchasing a CBD product, look for full spectrum or broad spectrum with no THC . These types of hemp extracts contain other cannabinoids and terpenes that enhance the absorption and effect profile of CBD. You should also make sure that when purchasing CBD, you can access third-party lab testing to ensure that the product contains what is listed.
Consume CBD regularly and linearly
The key to seeing the benefits of CBD is to consume CBD regularly. It can take several weeks for the body to get used to the cannabinoids so they can exert their full set of effects. If you still don’t see the benefits of CBD for your sleep quality after two weeks, you can increase your dose or try a different type of product.
By combining CBD with optimizing your sleep habits and limiting your screen time, reducing caffeine consumption, and maintaining a healthy routine, you can get on track for a great night's sleep.
CBN and Sleep
CBN, or cannabinol , is a minor cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant that may have potential benefits for sleep. CBN products are considered to have sedative properties, and it is believed to have a stronger sedative effect than CBD.
CBN is thought to work by interacting with the body's endocannabinoid system, which regulates sleep, among other processes. Experts speculate that CBN may enhance the sedative effects of other cannabinoids, such as CBD, promoting deeper, more restful sleep, which may enable more vivid dreams.
CBN is more abundant in mature cannabis plants because the THC molecules begin to break down through oxidation. Because it is a metabolite of THC, it has an affinity for binding to CB1 and CB2 receptors in the central nervous system.
Most research into the health benefits of cannabinoids focuses on CBD and THC. It is important to keep in mind that current research on CBN is preliminary. However, this has not stopped many people from turning to CBN to support a healthy sleep cycle due to its relaxing properties, pain support, and ability to calm feelings of nervousness and anxiety. anxiety.
These two cannabinoids share very similar properties that make them ideal for supporting people experiencing difficulty falling asleep, such as anti-inflammatory, relaxation, and pain relief benefits.
Cannabinoids can affect individuals differently, so it's difficult to make a general statement about which ones will be better for sleep.