The basics of a healthy and balanced diet

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Les bases d'une alimentation saine et équilibrée

The basics of a healthy and balanced diet

Written by: Romain Lyomat


The basics of a healthy and balanced diet

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In terms of nutrition, several elements must be considered to guarantee a balanced meal. In this file we will discuss essential macronutrients, the crucial role of daily hydration as well as the importance of dietary fiber. We will also explore the contribution of vitamins and minerals, the benefit of dietary diversification and vital energy.

Macronutrients: The basics of a healthy and balanced diet

The essential role of proteins

Protein, often seen as fuel for athletes, is actually essential for everyone. They have a crucial function as a building material for our body and contribute to cell renewal . In addition, they form the antibodies necessary to fight infections.

The underestimated importance of lipids and carbohydrates

L'importance des lipides et glucides

Some people negatively associate fat and carbohydrates with weight gain, but their role goes beyond just calorie intake. Lipids provide various vital functions: they notably participate in the development of cell membranes and regulate certain hormones. As for carbohydrates, they are the main source of energy used by our brain during intense physical effort.

A balanced diet must include these two elements but you must opt ​​for those described as "good quality". Therefore, favor vegetable oils rich in omega-3 (such as flax or rapeseed), as well as sugars present in whole grains).

Daily hydration

After exploring the importance of macronutrients, daily hydration is another key element of a balanced meal.

Essential for well-being, it promotes the optimal functioning of organs and preserves the health of the skin. Water makes up almost 60% of the human body and actively participates in all bodily functions.

Drinking at least 1.5 liters of water per day is recommended to compensate for water losses due to different biological activities such as breathing or urinary elimination. Drinks without added sugar such as still or sparkling water, herbal teas or green tea are preferred to avoid excessive caloric intake.

Therefore, we must not neglect that certain foods have a high water content: fresh fruits and vegetables contribute to your daily hydration while providing essential vitamins and minerals to the body.

Essential dietary fiber: The basics of a healthy and balanced diet

Let's dive into the fascinating world of dietary fiber. Essential to preserving our health, they perform a crucial function in our body. A study published in 2017 by the Journal of Nutrition highlighted a positive link between sufficient fiber intake and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

Dietary fiber is primarily found in plant foods. We distinguish two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble, both beneficial to our general well-being.

  • Soluble fiber forms a gel-like substance when it comes into contact with water. This process helps slow down digestion, allowing for more controlled absorption of nutrients.
  • Insoluble fiber adds bulk to stools and promotes their transit through the digestive system, also helping to prevent or relieve constipation.

To make the most of the benefits provided by dietary fiber, it is recommended to include different foods rich in them in our daily diet.

  • Whole grains like oats or brown rice are an ideal source.
  • Many fruits and vegetables also offer a considerable amount of fiber.
  • Let's not forget legumes such as lentils or black beans which are full of a large quantity of these precious allies for our health.

Integrating dietary fiber into our daily diet is a simple and effective approach to improving our overall health. They are, without a doubt, an essential element of a truly balanced meal.

Les fibres alimentaires

Vitamins and minerals: The basics of a healthy and balanced diet

The vital role of vitamins

vitamins are essential to our body. They actively contribute to the proper functioning of our body and ensure our daily well-being. Their mission is diverse: they promote digestion, stimulate immunity, strengthen bones and teeth, encourage cell growth and regulate energy metabolism. Certain vitamins have an antioxidant action which protects our cells from premature aging. In addition, it is important to emphasize that a varied and balanced diet generally allows us to meet all our vitamin needs.

The essential benefits of minerals

Like vitamins , minerals play a fundamental role in our health. They participate in various bodily functions such as tissue formation, maintaining acid-base balance or even nerve transmission. Minerals are involved in the process of muscle contraction and are essential to ensure good bone density. A sufficient intake of calcium, magnesium or potassium for example is therefore necessary to prevent certain pathologies such as osteoporosis or high blood pressure.

Diet diversification: The basics of a healthy and balanced diet

A rainbow of fruit

The popular adage 'eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day' does not only refer to quantity, but emphasizes variety. Each type of fruit has a unique nutritional profile, offering a specific range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which are essential for our body. From the rich content of lycopene to the powerful resveratrol of red grapes, each fruit brings its colorful touch to your meal...and to your health.

Legumes: nutritional treasures

Legumes aren't just the lentils or chickpeas we all have in mind. Consider Latin American black beans, Indian dal or Asian soybeans! These little seeds are overflowing with a panoply of nutrients - dietary fiber, plant proteins, B group vitamins. Their diversity greatly contributes to enriching our diet while breaking the monotony.

Trésors nutritionnels

Protein: exploring beyond meat

Many individuals spontaneously associate proteins with red or white meat. However, a multitude of protein sources flourish in our food environment! They can be found widely in the plant kingdom (legumes mentioned above but also whole grains), in the marine world (fish and seafood), without forgetting dairy products. It is essential to diversify your sources to guarantee a complete amino acid intake. Variety is the key to a balanced meal.

Vital energy

Let's now move on to a fundamental concept of nutrition: vital energy. As elusive as it is essential, it is present in every piece of food we consume. You are probably wondering where this precious energy comes from?

It comes mainly from carbohydrates, lipids and proteins that we ingest daily. The body transforms these nutrients into energy to ensure the functioning of our organs, support our immune system and repair our damaged cells.

Thus, adopting a balanced diet is not just a question of diversity or intake of vitamins and minerals. It is also about supplying our body with the energy necessary for its proper functioning. Keep in mind that your meal is the fuel that fuels your entire being!

To deepen your knowledge of vital energy and discover tips for staying in shape, do not hesitate to consult our dedicated page: Vital energy, our tips for staying in shape .

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