Best Naturopaths in Lyon
Where can I find the best Naturopaths in Lyon?
The objective of this article is to discover some of the Naturopaths among the best practitioners in Lyon. We have compiled this non-exhaustive list based on their reputation and the reviews left online by their patients. Additionally, we will also remind you on this page of the basic principles of Naturopathy.
Article updated on October 26, 2024.

What are the highest-rated naturopathy practitioners in Lyon?
- Mickaël Nicoleau, naturopath in Besançon, specializes in phytotherapy, reflexology, and stress management techniques. He offers vitality assessments and nutritional advice. Google rating: 4.8/5. Address: 12 Rue de la République, 25000 Besançon.
- Léa Fonder, naturopath in Besançon, specializes in aromatherapy, iridology, and dietary rebalancing. Additionally, she offers wellness consultations and personalized follow-ups. Google rating: 4.9/5. Address: 5 Avenue Charles Siffert, 25000 Besançon.
- Sophie Havard, naturopath in Besançon, is an expert in holistic nutrition, emotional management, and energy healing. She offers naturopathy sessions and wellness workshops. Google rating: 4.7/5. Address: 18 Rue Gambetta, 25000 Besançon.
- Isabelle Richard, naturopath in Besançon, specializes in sophrology, micronutrition, and detoxification. Additionally, she offers individual consultations and stress management workshops. Google rating: 4.8/5. Address: 22 Rue des Granges, 25000 Besançon.

Other recommended Naturopaths
- Vincente Tibaudo, naturopath in Besançon, specializes in acupuncture, Chinese medicine, and energy massages. He offers personalized consultations and energy balancing sessions. Google rating: 4.9/5. Address: 30 Rue Battant, 25000 Besançon.
- Cathy Garcin, naturopath in Besançon, specializes in Bach flowers, natural nutrition, and foot reflexology. She offers vitality assessments as well as lifestyle advice. Google rating: 4.8/5. Address: 15 Rue de Belfort, 25000 Besançon.
- Céline Misslin, naturopath in Besançon, specializes in lithotherapy, aromatherapy, and stress management. She offers wellness consultations and guided relaxation sessions. Google rating: 4.7/5. Address: 8 Rue Claude Pouillet, 25000 Besançon.
- Sabine Monnoyeur, naturopath in Besançon, specializes in hydrology, reflexology, and lifestyle advice. She offers wellness consultations and personalized detox programs. Google rating: 4.9/5. Address: 10 Rue de Vesoul, 25000 Besançon.
In a few words
To take care of your health naturally, many naturopaths in France offer a variety of services tailored to your needs. In Lyon, other professionals are also to be discovered, each bringing a unique and personalized approach to well-being.

What does the practice of naturopathy include?
First of all, naturopathy is a holistic health approach aimed at enhancing the body’s self-healing capabilities. Its fundamental principles include a balanced diet, physical exercise, stress management, as well as the use of natural remedies such as plants and essential oils. Inspired by traditional and hygienic medicine, it has its origins in ancient Greece with Hippocrates and developed in the 19th century in Europe and the United States. Based on prevention and listening to the body, naturopathy encourages a healthy lifestyle to harmonize body, mind and emotions, in order to preserve overall health.
Which plants are most frequently used by naturopaths?
Naturopathy uses plants such as chamomile to promote relaxation, ginger to improve digestion, echinacea to strengthen immunity and St. John's wort to regulate mood. It also relies on other natural approaches: aromatherapy (essential oils), hydrotherapy (baths), nutrition (healthy diet) and manual techniques such as massages. Among its benefits are strengthening the immune system, reducing stress, improving digestion and sleep, as well as better pain management. Naturopathy encourages a preventive and balanced lifestyle, promoting harmony between body and mind in order to maintain vitality.
How does a naturopathy consultation work?
A naturopathy session consists of a consultation where the practitioner assesses the client's overall vitality (eating habits, stress management, sleep quality) and offers adapted natural solutions, such as the use of plants, nutritional recommendations or techniques. relaxation, in order to restore balance and natural health to the body. Other natural therapeutic approaches include acupuncture, osteopathy, reflexology, sophrology, homeopathy and herbal medicine. These practices aim to improve health in a holistic manner, by stimulating the body's self-healing abilities and using gentle methods to rebalance the body and mind.