Best Naturopaths in La Rochelle
Where can I find the best Naturopaths in La Rochelle?
This article aims to present some of the most recognized naturopaths in La Rochelle. The selection, although not exhaustive, is based on their reputation and online patient reviews. We will also cover the fundamentals of naturopathy.
Article updated on October 26, 2024.

Where can we find the best naturopaths in La Rochelle?
- Mathilde Cochepain , a naturopath specializing in sleep management and herbal medicine, offers vitality assessments, sleep improvement programs, and advice on medicinal plants. Rated 4.8/5 on Google, she practices at 30 Rue Gambetta, 17000 La Rochelle.
- Sophie Lotodé, a naturopath specialized in aromatherapy and foot reflexology, offers vitality assessments, as well as advice on essential oils and reflexology treatments. Rated 4.9/5 on Google, she practices at 22 Rue Albert 1er, 17000 La Rochelle.
- Stéphane Puteaux, a naturopath specialized in detoxification and iridology, offers vitality assessments, detox cures, and iris analyses. Rated 4.7/5 on Google, he consults at 5 Rue du Minage, 17000 La Rochelle.
- JT Naturopath, expert in sports nutrition and weight management, offers vitality assessments, personalized meal programs, and micronutrition advice. Rated 4.8/5 on Google, he is located at 18 Rue Chef de Ville, 17000 La Rochelle.

Other recommended naturopaths
- Marie del Pozo, a naturopath specialized in Bach flowers and emotional support, offers vitality assessments, as well as advice on floral elixirs and stress management techniques. Rated 4.9/5 on Google, she consults at 10 Rue des Merciers, 17000 La Rochelle.
- Laura Vétault, a naturopath specialized in sophrology and phytotherapy, offers vitality assessments, sophrology sessions, and also advice on medicinal plants. Rated 4.8/5 on Google, she consults at 15 Rue Saint Nicholas, 17000 La Rochelle.
- Fabienne Baïsez, a naturopath specialized in pain management and relaxation techniques, offers vitality assessments, in addition to wellness massages and herbalism advice. Rated 4.7/5 on Google, she practices at 8 Rue Chaudrier, 17000 La Rochelle.
- Sophie Hauswald, a naturopath specialized in holistic nutrition and aromatherapy, offers vitality assessments, dietary advice, as well as essential oil treatments. Rated 4.9/5 on Google, she consults at 25 Rue de l’Aimable Nanette, 17000 La Rochelle.
Naturopathy, indeed, rooted in well-being, contributes to balance and vitality. Thus, in La Rochelle, several naturopaths stand out, each offering unique approaches aimed at promoting better health in a natural and personalized way.

What is the concept of naturopathy?
Naturopathy is a holistic health approach that focuses on strengthening the body's self-healing capabilities. Its main pillars are a healthy diet, regular physical activity, and stress management. The use of natural remedies such as plants and essential oils is also a pillar. Inspired by hygienic practices and traditional medicines, it has its origins in ancient Greece with Hippocrates. It took its current form in the 19th century in Europe and the United States. It aims for prevention and overall well-being through a healthy lifestyle and body-mind-emotion harmony.
What are the key plants in naturopathy?
In naturopathy, plants such as chamomile for relaxation, ginger for digestion, echinacea to boost immunity, and St. John's wort to improve mood are frequently used. The practice also includes natural approaches such as aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, nutrition and manual techniques such as massages. Naturopathy thus aims to strengthen the immune system, reduce stress, promote better digestion, and improve sleep. It also contributes to gentle pain management.
What does a typical naturopathy session consist of?
During a naturopathy consultation, the practitioner examines the client's eating habits, stress and sleep to offer tailored natural recommendations: medicinal plants, nutritional advice and relaxation. Methods such as acupuncture, herbal medicine and reflexology are also gentle techniques. They promote rebalancing of body and mind.