Best Naturopaths in Grenoble
Where can I find the best Naturopaths in Grenoble?
This article aims to present some of the best naturopaths in Grenoble, selected based on their reputation and online reviews from their patients. This list is not exhaustive. We will also remind the fundamental principles of naturopathy.
Article updated on October 26, 2024.

Are there any reputable naturopaths in Grenoble?
- Manon Herrbach, a naturopath specialized in stress management and nutrition, offers personalized consultations, wellness workshops, as well as nutritional follow-up. Rated 4.8/5 on Google, she sees clients at 12 Rue Félix Viallet, 38000 Grenoble. Moreover, her services include dietary advice, phytotherapy, and relaxation techniques.
- Emeline Jordan, a sophrologist specialized in emotion management and sleep disorders, offers individual sessions, relaxation workshops, as well as personalized follow-up. Rated 4.9/5 on Google, she sees clients at 25 Avenue Alsace-Lorraine, 38000 Grenoble. Furthermore, her services include dynamic relaxation, meditation, and wellness advice.

- Shirley Guevel, an osteopath specialized in musculoskeletal pain and posturology, offers tailored consultations, rehabilitation sessions, as well as postural follow-up. Rated 4.7/5 on Google, she practices at 8 Rue Nicolas Chorier, 38000 Grenoble. Additionally, her services include gentle manipulations, stretching, and ergonomic advice.
- Pennie Verseau, energy therapist specialized in reiki and lithotherapy, she offers balancing sessions, crystal healing, and meditation workshops. Rated 4.8/5 on Google, she sees clients at 15 Rue Condorcet, 38000 Grenoble. Furthermore, her services include chakra harmonization and deep relaxation.
Other recommended naturopaths
- Gaelle Rochex, personal development coach specialized in stress management and self-confidence, offers not only individual coaching sessions but also group workshops and online training. Rated 4.9/5 on Google, she is located at 22 Rue Thiers, 38000 Grenoble. Her services also include mental coaching and relaxation techniques.
- Marine Le Gouvello, a kinesiologist specialized in emotional release and energy block management, also offers individual sessions, wellness workshops, as well as personalized support. Rated 4.8/5 on Google, she sees clients at 5 Rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 38000 Grenoble. Her services include notably muscle testing and energy balancing.
- Marine Myriam Zlotnik, psychotherapist specialized in cognitive and behavioral therapy (CBT) and anxiety management, offers individual consultations, brief therapies, and personal development workshops. Rated 4.9/5 on Google, she sees clients at 18 Rue de Strasbourg, 38000 Grenoble. Her services include therapeutic support and mindfulness exercises.
- Alice Tack, naturopath at Ambiance Naturo, specializes in nutrition and detoxification. She offers personalized consultations, wellness workshops, and vitality assessments. Rated 4.7/5 on Google, she sees clients at 10 Rue Saint-Laurent, 38000 Grenoble. Her services include nutritional advice, phytotherapy, and stress management techniques.
At the end of the day
In summary, Grenoble is home to naturopaths with varied approaches, offering personalized care to enhance well-being and vitality. Other naturopathy professionals can be discovered in the city, each bringing their own expertise and support methods.

What does the term “naturopathy” mean?
In Grenoble, naturopathy focuses on stimulating the body's self-healing through a holistic approach. Indeed, it is based on essential principles such as a balanced diet, physical exercise, stress management, and the use of natural remedies. Inspired by ancient medical traditions and formalized in the 19th century, this approach prioritizes prevention and overall well-being.
Are there specific plants widely used in naturopathy?
Grenoble naturopaths use various remedies, such as chamomile to soothe, ginger for digestion and echinacea to strengthen immunity. In addition, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, a healthy diet and manual techniques such as massage are also part of this approach. Its benefits include stimulation of the immune system, reduction of stress, optimized digestion and better sleep.
What do we do during a naturopathy session?
During consultations, the naturopath assesses the client's state of health and offers tailor-made solutions, including dietary advice, plants or relaxation techniques. In addition, some professionals combine this approach with other disciplines, such as acupuncture, osteopathy or sophrology.