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Le CBD peut-il soulager la dépression

Can CBD Relieve Depression and Mood Disorders?

Written by: Arthur Leclerc


Can CBD Relieve Depression or Improve Mood?

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Cannabidiol (commonly known as CBD) has been the subject of much research. These made it possible to demonstrate the benefits of this molecule for our health. Promising avenues for treating mood disorders and depression have been identified.

Traditional treatments

Depression and other anxiety disorders are illnesses that can impact health and well-being. Very often, patients turn to their doctor for a medical prescription. They experience the undesirable side effects that we know for antidepressants: insomnia, mood swings, sexual dysfunctions, etc. In addition, the risk of relapse is very real when the patient stops treatment. The discovery of the endocannabinoid system has opened up new avenues for treating these disorders. Let's see how CBD could relieve depression.

Le CBD peut-il soulager la dépression

Can CBD Relieve Depression? - Serotonin and CBD

Our body naturally produces cannabinoids. These contribute to the regulation of various bodily functions, such as mood, pain , sleep and even appetite. CBD binds to certain points on brain cells, called receptors, to enhance the natural action of Serotonin. 

Serotonin affects several functions of the human body, including emotional state, happiness and sense of well-being. Maintaining natural levels of Serotonin in the body requires essential monitoring for people suffering from depression or mood disorders. Without an adequate amount of serotonin, the brain does not function properly, and negative feelings and anxiety may arise. So CBD could help relieve depression.

Research shows that in most cases, CBD appears to interact positively with Serotonin receptors in the brain. By binding to these receptors, intake is increased and mood disorders are less likely to occur. And the few side effects experienced by CBD users are minor. Only a few cases of nausea or drowsiness, therefore not comparable to pharmaceutical products. CBD would therefore be an interesting alternative to traditional medications to relieve depression.

How to take CBD to relieve depression?

We recommend oral administration of CBD, in the form of oil or capsules. These formats are easily dosed and act over time on the body. The effectiveness of CBD is in fact better when it is consumed regularly in maintenance or preventive doses. Note also that it can be used to treat acute flare-ups. 

To start, a daily intake of 30 to 50 mg should allow you to feel an improvement. This dosage remains to be assessed according to each person's morphology. The effects of CBD on the body last several hours after taking it. Most people feel better for about 24 hours. 

CBD relieves depression, but it does not cure

Although CBD does not completely cure depression and mood disorders, it has been found to significantly improve the symptoms of these conditions. But before you start, talk to your doctor; this will avoid any drug interactions if you are already on treatment.

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