How can you consume CBD Flower?

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The different ways to consume CBD flower

Written by: Arthur Leclerc


Consume CBD flower?

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The popularity of CBD flower is on the rise and this is not surprising given the benefits it offers. Flower is undoubtedly the most pleasant medium for consuming CBD. It is also the best way to guarantee the purity of the product, with the guarantee of high and consistent quality.

How to consume CBD Flower: The different ways

When you have premium smokable hemp, the best way to enjoy its aroma and taste, for most of us, is to smoke it in joint form. You can also opt for a pipe or bong. This method will save you from completely crumbling the flower and will save you paper and time.

Pipes and bongs come in different sizes. Larger models can sometimes be harder on your throat. Indeed, large models accumulate a lot of smoke which can be quite hot. Some more sophisticated bongs filter and cool the smoke through one or more compartments before it enters your lungs.

You can also opt for electronic vaporizers. They contain a compartment in which you place the amount of herb, which the device heats to a precise temperature. This allows the CBD and other compounds to turn into vapor ready to be inhaled.

Comment consommer la Fleur de CBD

Consume CBD flower by making your own oil

Making your own CBD oil is easier than you think. Simply heat the hemp flower to activate the CBD and benefit from all the therapeutic benefits.

Here are the steps to follow:

Lightly grind your hemp flower and spread it evenly on a baking sheet. Bake it in the oven at 100° for 30 minutes to activate the cannabinoid compounds.

Combine around thirty grams of flower with two cups of your favorite oil (coconut or olive oil works well, avoid using hemp seed oil as it does not handle heat very well) and heat over low heat for about six hours.

If you're using a pan, you may need to add up to two or three cups of water to prevent the oil from burning. Once the time has elapsed, let it cool, filter the plant matter from the oil and store it in a glass bottle or jar away from light. You can then use your oil for cooking or sublingual dosages.

Make your own CBD edibles

You can also consume your CBD flower with all your favorite recipes! Many people choose to infuse fatty recipes, such as cakes and brownies, because the fat allows for optimal absorption into the body. You can use your CBD oil extraction to replace any recipe that uses butter by replacing it with oil, equivalent to ¾ of the quantity mentioned.

If you're making a slow-cook recipe, you can also grind your flower and add it directly to the dish. The long, slow simmering time will activate the cannabinoids in your food. If the recipe you want to add CBD to is not simmered, simply put your flower in the oven, as described above, and add it directly to the dish with the other herbs you are using.

Make your own lotions

You can also use the flowers to make your own homemade lotion, cream or ointment. It's easier than you think and effective against muscle pain and dry skin . In a future article, we will give you some recipes ;)

By purchasing your CBD flower in its natural and original form, you have a wide choice of ways to consume it.

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