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Libido and CBD, what are the interactions?

Written by: Arthur Leclerc


Libido and CBD, what are the interactions?

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Most of us enjoy cuddle evenings, and CBD, if you're reading this article! Also, we could not ignore this essential subject: how CBD can help us in the bedroom (or anywhere else for that matter).

CBD and the endocannabinoid system

When CBD is ingested, it has an indirect effect on our body's endocannabinoid system . This system is responsible for balancing our body's internal systems and maintaining homeostasis. CBD has an indirect effect on stimulating our natural endocannabinoids, called Anandamide and 2-AG. These endocannabinoids bind to our CB1 and CB2 receptors in response to certain events happening around us and have a balancing effect.

For example, when your loved one asks you to dress up as a nurse, your body uses the endocannabinoids it produces naturally to temper your excitement (or stress?) by binding to the corresponding receptors. CBD can thus play a regulatory role by activating your receptors. And it also seems that CBD can impact testosterone production thanks to its antioxidant role, as revealed in this study . Now that we know how CBD works, how can it help us in bed?

Libido and CBD, what are the interactions?

Sex and CBD: erections

Simply put, thanks to its ability to stimulate our endocannabinoid system, CBD can significantly reduce anxiety . Stress and worry are two major causes of premature ejaculation and lack of erection, which can obviously be detrimental to lovemaking. Remember, you can't play billiards with a rubber band! Daily use of CBD can therefore help calm your nerves before sex.

Sex and CBD: no fatigue

I'm too tired, I didn't sleep well last night, I have to go to bed early... Here too CBD can certainly help with sex. Thanks to the calming effect of CBD on the body, taking 3 to 6 drops of CBD oil before bed can help you fall asleep faster and improve your sleep quality significantly.

CBD Massages

CBD is extremely popular in gyms. Many personal trainers and massage therapists use CBD oil in their treatments due to its anti-inflammatory properties. The endocannabinoid system can in fact be stimulated topically and act on blood flow. So why not make the moment a little more intimate? Light a candle, put on some music, and treat your partner to a CBD massage . This moment of relaxation will be excellent foreplay.

Premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is often caused by stress, but it can also be caused by certain aspects of our lives. There is no miracle cure, but to increase sexual performance a key factor is to have a balanced lifestyle. Exercise, eat healthy, don't drink too much...and consume CBD . Its interaction with our body promotes homeostasis, allowing us to find our balance and our inner sexual zen; once you achieve this, your libido will only be strengthened.

Improve your sex life

CBD isn't a magic cure, but it certainly offers benefits to improve your sex life. Whether it's stress reduction, improved sleep, or new foreplay ideas, you won't lose anything by trying ;)


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