Best Naturopaths in Bari
Where are the best Naturopaths in Bari?
This article aims to present some of the best naturopaths in Bari. This selection, which is not exhaustive, is based on their reputation and online reviews from their patients. We also remind here the fundamental principles of naturopathy.
Article updated on 06/11/2024.

Which naturopaths are the most popular in Bari?
Dr. Daniela Rossi, located at Via Montenegro, 2 in Bari, specializes in holistic nutrition and stress management. She offers personalized consultations and has a rating of 4.8/5 on Google.
Santa Maria Spa, Via Antonio de Ferrariis, 22, Bari. Specializing in wellness treatments, massages, and holistic therapies. A highly appreciated relaxation space with a rating of 4.7/5 on Google.
GVM Healthcare - Santa Maria Hospital, Via Antonio de Ferrariis, 22, Bari. Medical center offering naturopathy care and natural therapies. Excellent welcome and quality services, rated 4.6/5 on Google.
De Rossi Holiday, Via de Rossi, 74, Bari. Specialized in revitalizing treatments and relaxation. Establishment offering a relaxing atmosphere, rated 4.5/5 on Google.
Dr. Maria Rossi, Bari, Italy. Naturopath expert in nutrition and stress management, personalized consultations. Rated 4.8/5 on Google.
Studio Naturopathy Health and Wellness, Bari, Italy. Holistic center offering naturopathy and aromatherapy. Warm welcome and quality services, rated 4.7/5 on Google.
Dr. Laura Bianchi, Bari, Italy. Specialized in relaxation techniques and stress management. Effective consultations and well-rated, with a score of 4.6/5 on Google.
Holistic Naturopathy Center, Bari, Italy. Center offering holistic treatments for balance and well-being. Professional team, rated 4.7/5 on Google.
In short
Bari is full of talented naturopaths and various wellness spaces. This selection is an overview of the best options, but other skilled practitioners are still to be discovered to meet the specific needs of everyone.
What is the concept of naturopathy?
Naturopathy is a holistic approach to health that supports natural healing processes. Based on a balanced diet, exercise, stress management and natural remedies (plants, essential oils), it has its origins in hygienic traditions, dating back to Hippocrates in ancient Greece. Structured in the 19th century in Europe and the United States, it encourages prevention, listening to the body and a healthy lifestyle for optimal health.
What are the key plants in naturopathy?
Naturopathy uses plants like chamomile to soothe, ginger for digestion, echinacea for immunity, and St. John's wort for mood. Other natural methods such as aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, nutritional advice and massages complement this approach, promoting immunity, stress management, and balance of body and mind.
What does a typical naturopathy session consist of?
During a session, the naturopath examines the client's diet, stress level and sleep to provide personalized natural recommendations: medicinal plants, dietary advice and relaxation. Gentle techniques such as acupuncture, herbal medicine and reflexology also help rebalance the body and mind.
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