Best Naturopaths in Parma
Where can I find the best Naturopaths in Parma?
Here is a selection of naturopaths renowned in Parma, established based on their reputation and online reviews. This article also provides a reminder of the essential principles of naturopathy.
Article updated on November 8, 2024.

Which naturopaths are the most popular in Parma?
- Tarasconi Simona Naturopata, located at Via S. Leonardo, 33, 43122 Parma PR, Italy, is a specialist in naturopathy, phytotherapy, and also in natural nutrition advice. She offers personalized consultations and has a rating of 4.7 on Google.
- La Via del Benessere Massaggio Reiki is located at Via Antonello da Messina, 11, 43124 Parma PR, Italy. It offers reiki services, massages, and holistic relaxation. Furthermore, as a specialist in energy wellness, clients rate her 4.7 on Google.
- Reiki, located at Via Giuseppe Bandi, 6/1, 43125 Parma PR, Italy, specializes in naturopathy and Reiki energy healing. Offering personalized wellness sessions, the center is well-rated with 4.7 on Google.
- Sabrina Pagani, naturopath is located at Via Giulio e Giacinto Sicuri, 42/A, 43124 Parma PR, Italy. She specializes in phytotherapy and stress management. Indeed, she offers personalized consultations in natural wellness and energy healing, with a rating of 4.7 on Google.

Other recommended naturopathy experts
- DAIANA CASALI NATUROPATA OPERATORE OLISTICO RIFLESSOLOGA, is located at Stradello Roberto Baden Powell 3a, 43123 San Prospero PR, Italy, and specializes in naturopathy, reflexology, and holistic techniques. She offers personalized care and has a rating of 4.7 on Google.
- Susanna Farinotti, a naturopath located at Località Cafragna, 20, 43045 Fornovo di Taro PR, Italy, specializes in phytotherapy and natural nutrition. Offering personalized consultations, she has a rating of 4.7 on Google for her wellness treatments.
- DOTT.SSA SIMONA IASCHI, located at Via Antonio Gallenga, 10, 43125 Parma PR, Italy, specializes in naturopathy and phytotherapy. Furthermore, she offers personalized health advice and natural treatments, with a rating of 4.7 on Google.
- Gioacchino De Simone, holistic masseur is located at Via Annibale Pizzarelli, 9/a, 43126 Parma PR, Italy, and specializes in naturopathy and holistic massages. Offering personalized care for well-being, he is rated 4.7 on Google.
To make it short
Parma is teeming with qualified naturopaths, each offering personalized and diverse approaches to well-being. The city also hosts other talented practitioners, capable of meeting everyone's needs.

What exactly is naturopathy?
Naturopathy is a holistic approach to health, aimed at stimulating the body's natural healing abilities. Indeed, it is based on fundamental principles such as a healthy diet, regular physical activity, stress management and the use of natural remedies (plants, essential oils). Inspired by hygienic traditions and dating back to Hippocrates in Greek antiquity, modern naturopathy developed in the 19th century in Europe and the United States. It favors prevention, listening to the body and a balanced lifestyle to maintain optimal health.
What plant species are popular in naturopathic treatments?
Frequently used herbs include chamomile for its calming properties, ginger for its digestive benefits, echinacea to strengthen the immune system, and St. John's wort to improve mood. Other techniques such as aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, nutritional advice and massage enrich this approach, providing benefits such as stress reduction, immunity support, improved digestion and harmonization. of body and mind.
What happens during a naturopathic session?
During a consultation, the naturopath assesses the person's eating habits, stress levels and sleep to develop tailored recommendations, such as the use of medicinal plants, nutritional advice and relaxation techniques. Gentle methods such as herbal medicine, reflexology and sometimes acupuncture can also be used to restore physical and mental balance.
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