Where to find the best CBD Shop in Freiburg im Breisgau?

The best CBD Shop in Freiburg im Breisgau

The city

Freiburg im Breisgau , located in southwest Germany, is a charming university town nestled in the foothills of the Black Forest. Famous for its well-preserved medieval old town, Freiburg Cathedral and its cobbled streets, the city has a picturesque atmosphere. As a university center, it welcomes a young and dynamic population. The banks of the Rhine add a picturesque touch, while colorful markets and cafes liven up daily life. Freiburg is also renowned for its commitment to sustainability and renewable energy, reflecting the region's green spirit.

What can you discover in Freiburg im Breisgau?

      • Haus zum Walfisch
      • Adelhauser Neukloster
      • Albert-Ludwig-Universität
      • Augustinermuseum
      • Colombi Park
      • Notre-Dame Cathedral of Freiburg
      • Münsterplatz

What events are taking place in Freiburg im Breisgau?

      • Mundologia Festival (February)
      • Weinfest (July)
      • Zelt-Musik-Festival (July)
      • Sea You (July)
      • Christmas market (December)
Fribourg Cathédrale Notre-DameFribourg

Where to find the best CBD Shop to buy quality CBD in Freiburg im Breisgau?

The legalization of CBD and the expansion of its market, characterized by an increasing diversity of products, has given rise to the emergence of thousands of CBD shops across the European Union. As a result, several thriving CBD shops have popped up on the streets of Freiburg im Breisgau .

The shop favored by the city's residents is the Hanfnah Freiburg, located at Schwabentorring 1a, near the historic Schwabentor site. You will discover a wide range of flower varieties, as well as high-quality CBD products. In second place, Das Hanfhaus Freiburg ESH also stood out. Located at Herrenstraße 49, this store offers a selection of CBD food products, ranging from oils to teas, and even bread.

Of course, there are other CBD shops on the streets of Freiburg im Breisgau that are worth a visit. Explore the streets Bismarckallee, Ährenweg, as well as Moltkestraße in the Altstadt and other districts. There appears to be a variety of choices for those interested in exploring more CBD products in the city.

Fribourg Münsterplatz

Fast delivery of CBD in Freiburg im Breisgau

Discover our wide range of premium quality CBD products, available at attractive prices. In addition to home delivery, also take advantage of the possibility of fast delivery to your collection point in Freiburg im Breisgau in just 72 hours.

What are the best wellness salons in Freiburg im Breisgau?

Over the past few years, the healthcare industry has significantly expanded its horizons, recording significant growth globally. In search of happiness, individuals explore different solutions to breathe peace and serenity into their daily lives. This expansion has led to the creation of thousands of wellness establishments around the world, offering a diversity of services to meet the varied needs of their customers.

Here is a small list of the best wellness centers that you can find in Freiburg im Breisgau :

Who are the best Yoga coaches in Freiburg im Breisgau?

Yoga, as a physical practice, provides benefits for both the body and the mind. It proves to be a valuable ally in the fight against everyday stress and anxiety, contributing to relaxation and body strengthening simultaneously. It is a holistic approach that promotes balance and overall well-being.

Where are the best CBD Shops in other major cities in Germany?

Where to buy natural, effective CBD products at the right price?

What are the places you should not miss under any circumstances? Where to find the best Wellness institutes? The right places to buy quality CBD? Is there a great Yoga class near you? Relax, we've done the investigation for you.

Follow the guide and discover the best CBD Shops in the biggest cities in Germany


  • *Our two friends regularly explore new cities, in order to find new addresses to share with us. Each month they enrich the list of cities presented in this guide.