Best Naturopaths in Augsburg
Where are the Best Naturopaths in Augsburg?
Here is a selection of renowned naturopaths in Augsburg, chosen based on their reputation and online reviews. This article also provides a reminder of the essential principles of naturopathy.
Article updated on October 30, 2024.

Where can we find the best naturopaths in Augsburg?
- Ärztegesellschaft für Präventionsmedizin & classical natural healing methods, Kneippärztebund e.V., located at 21a Hahnenfeldstraße, 86825 Bad Wörishofen, Germany, specializes in preventive medicine as well as Kneipp natural healing methods. It offers therapies based on naturopathy and holistic wellness. Rated 4.7 on Google.
- Ulrike Ruhl Aesthetics & Naturopathy, located at 229 Neuburger Str., 86169 Augsburg, Germany, offers specialized aesthetic and naturopathic treatments in stress management, natural beauty, and overall well-being. Google rating: 4.7.
- Stefanie Schybaj - Naturheilkunde am Dom, located at 12 Peutingerstraße, 86152 Augsburg, Germany, specializes in naturopathy, phytotherapy, and stress management. She offers personalized consultations and natural treatments. Google rating: 4.9.
- Naturheilpraktiker Praxis Frau Claudia Rothenfußer, located at 19 Maximilianstraße, 86150 Augsburg, Germany, specializes in phytotherapy, stress management, and even nutritional therapies. Services include personalized consultations as well as natural treatments. Rated 4.7 on Google, it stands out for its caring and effective approach.

Additional information
- Natural Medical Coach, located at Am Schwall 3, 86150 Augsburg, Germany, specializes in natural health coaching, stress management, and holistic nutrition. Additionally, services include personalized consultations and wellness programs. Rated 4.7 on Google, the center is appreciated for its comprehensive and caring approach.
- Karsten Fähle, alternative practitioner, physiotherapist and osteopath, located at Am Schwall 3, 86150 Augsburg, Germany, specializes in manual therapy, osteopathy as well as chronic pain management. He offers personalized care for physical well-being. Google rating: 4.7.
- Naturheilpraxis, located at 90 Gögginger Str., 86199 Augsburg, Germany, specializes in naturopathy, holistic medicine, and herbal therapies. Its services include acupuncture, phytotherapy, as well as therapeutic massage. Rated 4.7 on Google, it stands out for its personalized approach.
- Ms. Maria Elfroth, naturopath located at 7 Archimedesstr., 86199 Augsburg, specializes in phytotherapy and stress management. Furthermore, she offers personalized consultations and natural treatments. Google rating: 4.7.
In a few words
Augsburg has several recognized naturopaths, each offering personalized approaches for well-being and natural health. Other practitioners are also to be discovered in the city for various needs.

What is the concept of naturopathy?
Naturopathy, a holistic health practice, promotes the body's natural healing. Founded, in particular, on a balanced diet, exercise, stress management and the use of natural remedies (plants, essential oils), it draws its roots from the hygienist traditions of Hippocrates and was structured in the 19th century. century in Europe and the United States. She advocates prevention, listening to the body and a healthy lifestyle.
What are the key plants in naturopathy?
Herbs such as chamomile, ginger, echinacea and St. John's wort are commonly used in naturopathy, complemented by aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, nutritional counseling and massage. This approach supports immunity, reduces stress, improves digestion and harmonizes body and mind.
What does a typical naturopathy session consist of?
During a consultation, the naturopath assesses eating habits, stress and sleep, offering personalized recommendations: medicinal plants, nutritional advice and relaxation. Gentle techniques such as acupuncture, herbal medicine and reflexology are also used to rebalance body and mind.