Return Procedure
You have a legal period of 14 days maximum from the delivery of the product(s) concerned, to request a return (request for exchange or refund).
To request a return (exchange or refund), please send an email to indicating your name, your order number, the product(s) you want to return and the nature of your request for each product (exchange or refund).
You will receive in response to your request, and within a maximum of 72 hours, an email confirming the acceptance or refusal of your request, and if your request is accepted, a link in the email allowing you to print your return shipping label. Return shipping costs remain the responsibility of customers.
Returns Acceptance Conditions
To be accepted, a return request must meet all of the following conditions:
- The return request must be complete (specifying the name of the customer, the order number, the product(s) to be returned, and the nature of your request for each returned product (exchange or refund).
- The return request must be sent by email to within a maximum period of 14 days from the delivery of the product(s) concerned by the return request.
- The returned product(s) must be complete, packaged in its/their original packaging(s) intact and must not have been used or opened. A return request for a product that has been