Vitality CBD Herbal Organic Tea

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Organic CBD Vitality Infusion

  • 35g sachet, approximately 18 infusions
  • CBD hemp 22%
  • Organic Agriculture Label
  • Ingredients of 100% natural origin
  • Dosage: 1 to 2 teaspoons per 25cl cup

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Organic CBD Vitality Infusion

This hemp infusion gives you pep to start your day off right by bringing you tone and energy. Ginger and the many spices that compose it provide a natural balance. There are also chamomile, orange peel, apple and blackberry leaves which perfectly balance this infusion.

35g sachet - approximately 18 infusions.


Organic CBD Vitality Infusion

100% organic ingredients: CBD hemp (22%), Apple, Blackberry leaves, Natural rooibos, Ginger, Cinnamon sticks, Black pepper, Orange peel, Chamomile, Cloves, Cardamom.


  • 1 to 2 teaspoons per cup, let infuse for 8 minutes at 90/100°
  • When to consume: 2 to 3 times a day when you wake up or when you need a boost.

Preparation advice Infusion CBD Tonus: To fully benefit from the benefits of this infusion we advise you to add a fatty substance such as coconut oil or a cloud of whole milk.


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Vitality CBD Herbal Organic Tea