CBD and Lyme Disease
CBD Maladie Lyme Tique

Can CBD help with Lyme disease?

Written by: Arthur Leclerc


CBD and Lyme Disease

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Lyme disease is a bacterial infection (Borrelia Burgdorferi) transmitted by the bite of a tick. It usually takes 24 to 36 hours for the bacteria to spread and infect its host.

In the early stage, the first symptoms are a red circle-shaped rash. The bacteria can have other negative effects throughout the body, including the immune system and nervous system.

Lyme disease patients are not contagious and cannot transmit Lyme borreliosis to other humans or pets.

Lyme disease is more prevalent in the spring and summer when people spend more time outdoors, particularly if they visit wooded areas.


What are common symptoms?

Patients with Lyme disease may experience the following symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Severe fatigue
  • Chronic pain – including joint and neuropathic pain
  • Headache
  • Sleep problems
  • Mood changes
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

If left untreated, Lyme disease can cause heart problems, facial paralysis, hearing loss, and short-term memory loss. This is why it isimportantto consult a healthcare professional immediately if you think you may be contaminated.

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Antibiotic treatment

If the tick is still attached to the skin, it must be removed as soon as possible with care so as not to break it. The best way to treat Lyme disease is with antibiotic treatment. These antibiotics can be administered orally or intravenously, and the duration of treatment lasts 2 to 4 weeks.

Most people with Lyme disease respond well to this treatment, however 10% to 20% develop post-treatment syndrome.

This form of chronic Lyme disease causes the patient to continue to suffer from the symptoms mentioned above.


CBD and Lyme Disease

What about CBD to treat Lyme disease?

CBD is not an approvedcureor treatment for Lyme disease. However, it can help relieve some symptoms.

CBD is a natural supplement directly extracted from the hemp plant. This is a legal product authorized in France.

Over-the-counternaturalCBD products must have a THC content of less than 0.3%. Consumers use CBD oil products typically to relieve joint pain, sleep disorders, anxiety or stress, and to improve overall well-being.

CBD produces its beneficial effects by acting directly with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) present in our body. This system is responsible for maintaining our bodily balance, homeostasis. It does this by regulating a number of important functions such as metabolism, inflammation, secretion of neurotransmitters and hormones, temperature regulation, and other key functions.

The ECS has several cannabinoid receptors that interact with the cannabinoid CBD.

Lyme Disease Symptom Relief with CBD

To consume CBD, seek approval from your doctor , and after medical treatment, as it may interfere with the absorption of antibiotics. The molecule has anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce pain caused by infection.

Other potential benefits of CBD are its impact on mood and anxiety . Finally, CBD can help with possible sleep problems.

One should not take CBD products as an alternative treatment for the disease. They should be considered rather as a complement to relieve symptoms.

Hopefully, in the future, there will be more clinical trials and scientific studies on CBD to identify the conclusive effects of CBD on Lyme disease.

Effectiveness of CBD

If your doctor has cleared you to try CBD, it's important to choose quality products . The best way to identify them is to look for a certificate of analysis or third-party lab test result, which will ensure potency and purity.

The positive effects of CBD also depend on the quantity consumed. There are no official dosage guidelines, but on average, most people take between 25mg and 75mg of CBD per day.

However, depending on weight, metabolism, severity of the problem and individual sensitivity, this quantity will need to be adjusted.

Types the CBD

There are three types of CBD available on the market today:


  • Full spectrum - which contains different cannabinoids, including THC in quantities less than 0.3%, providing an entourage effect
  • Broad spectrum - which is just like full spectrum, without the THC but with the other cannabinoids
  • CBD isolate – which contains only the cannabinoid CBD, and nothing else.

Once you have determined the CBD strain, you can then opt for a topical or edible product.

Edible CBD can come in the form of capsules, oils or gummies. These supports therefore allow cannabinoids to work throughout the body, not just in a specific targeted area.

Topical CBD includes lotions, creams, balms, even bath bombs and any form that is applied to the skin. These products allow CBD to target a specific area of ​​the body where you are looking for relief.

To go further, CBD and Lyme disease

At CBD Certified, we only offer products that come from sustainably grown hemp. Each finished product is also subject to laboratory testing.

Additionally, our CBD specialists are available to answer all your questions. So simply contact us by phone or email, and we will be happy to help you.

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