Homme qui fume au coucher du soleil

I replaced THC / Tobacco with CBD

Arthur Leclerc

Replace THC / Tobacco with CBD

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I recently switched from tobacco to CBD flower cigarettes. I am very happy about it and therefore invite you to share my experience and why I made this choice.

  1.  CBD Flower is not addictive


The absence of nicotine in hemp cigarettes is one of the advantages. There is no feeling of addiction, so it is easy to control your consumption and smoke less. Replacing Tobacco with CBD therefore allows me to smoke less.

  1. Replace tobacco with CBD which is less harmful


Good cannabidiol products are tested by independent laboratories, whose analysis reports are public. To my knowledge, this does not exist in the tobacco industry. Depending on the brand, tests are performed to detect pesticides, heavy metals, microbes, mycotoxins and foreign materials. Remember that tobacco cultivation actually occupies sixth place in terms of quantity of pesticides in the United States.

Of course, smoking hemp cigarettes is obviously not without risk. However, there are notable differences in the quantities of harmful substances produced by hemp and tobacco, as evidenced by this 2021 study.



  1. CBD Flower contains beneficial cannabinoids and terpenes


Hemp is an incredible plant that contains over 100 cannabinoids and also over 200 terpenes . Scientists are just beginning to discover the enormous therapeutic potential of these plant compounds. These benefits range from improved mood , mobility and sleep to significantly reduced pain.

  1. I smoke less since I replaced tobacco with CBD


I think I have divided my consumption by five, with an average of one to two cigarettes per day. There are days when I don't smoke one, and others when I smoke five.

  1. I managed to quit nicotine


I'm not going to lie, the first few weeks of quitting smoking were difficult. I had actually chosen to quit nicotine suddenly. The goal is to avoid smoking CBD every time you want tobacco, so as not to replace one habit with another.
I think it took me about six weeks to see my nicotine craving almost disappear.

If you want to smoke, choose CBD Flower

I can't advise you to smoke, but if you feel the urge, it might as well be CBD. As you might expect, burning any plant matter, from wood to tobacco, creates tar and carbon monoxide, substances that cannot be safely inhaled.
However, cannabidiol cigarettes may be considered safer than tobacco cigarettes because they produce fewer chemicals. Additionally, it is easy to find a good CBD brand , which provides comprehensive laboratory reports where you can check the purity of the product.

I hope I convinced you ; feel free to share your personal experience in the comments below ;)

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