Can CBD make me positive on a drug test?

Arthur Leclerc
This is perhaps one of the most common questions among consumers: Can CBD trigger a positive drug test? The simple answer to this question is yes, the risk exists.

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I replaced THC / Tobacco with CBD

Arthur Leclerc
I recently stopped smoking tobacco cigarettes and switched to CBD flower cigarettes . I am very happy about it and invite you to share my experience and the reasons which pushed me towards this choice.

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Vaping – those who have tried it have often adopted it

Arthur Leclerc

Vapes (or Puffs) have grown enormously in popularity in recent years and offer a real alternative to CBD flower smokers. What are the main advantages and disadvantages of vaping?

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How to consume CBD?

Arthur Leclerc

Depending on whether you are taking CBD to combat pain, stress or anxiety, whether you are looking for an immediate or long-lasting effect, the method of administering the CBD is important. Here are the main consumption methods to help you choose the one best suited to your needs.

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Why consume CBD?

Arthur Leclerc
According to several scientific studies, including one of the most famous, that carried out by the WHO (WHO Study 2018), CBD (abbreviation of Cannabidiol) is an active natural molecule which has numerous beneficial properties for our body.

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How to make a homemade CBD infusion?

Reine Elie
If you don't have an infusion or tea containing CBD at home, but you want to take advantage of your "Tea Time" to consume a little CBD, you can create it yourself very easily from your favorite usual infusion or tea.

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The properties of CBD

Arthur Leclerc

Today, all over the world, scientists and doctors are closely interested in the different properties of this molecule in order to better understand and develop therapeutic applications.

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Discover CBD

Arthur Leclerc

CBD (abbreviation of “Cannabidiol”) is a natural molecule present in the hemp plant, it is part of the Cannabinoid family. Cultivated all over the planet since millennia BC, hemp (Cannabis Sativa L) is one of the oldest plants on Earth.

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