Our CBD Best Deals

On this page you will find a selection of our CBD good deals. We have set up numerous bundles where, for example, for the same 3 products purchased you benefit from a free product. We have also put together packs of complementary products to give you the best price.

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A partir de 4500
(1 reviews)
A partir de 4500
A partir de 4500

Mind CBD Bundles

These CBD good deals include products from our entire range. You will find high quality oils, capsules and gummies from the Mind CBD brand. We have put together packs of different flavors e-liquids and cartridges for vaping. They allow you to taste varied aromas at an attractive price.

Flowers & Resin Packs

You will also find our flower packs and CBD resins which allow you to discover a selection of our best varieties either in 5 flowers, or in 3 flowers and two resins, The prices are really interesting compared to the unit price of 2g or 5g sachets of each variety.

Flowers & Resin Packs

We also assembled CBD infusions packs from the Mind CBD brand. These infusions contain CBD flowers from our selection combined with hand-picked natural ingredients.

Well-being boxes

Finally, we have put together some good wellness packages that combine a selection of CBD treatments and oils from the Harmony brand at low prices.