Best Naturopaths in Trieste
Where can I find the best Naturopaths in Trieste?
This article aims to present some of the best naturopaths in Trieste, selected based on their reputation and online reviews from their patients. This list is not exhaustive. We will also remind the fundamental principles of naturopathy.
Article updated on November 9, 2024.

Who are the most recommended naturopaths in Trieste?
- Piscanec Docteur Silene, expert in holistic therapy, homeopathy, phytotherapy, but also in food intolerances. Corso Italia, 21, 34122 Trieste, Italy. Google rating: 4.8/5. Services: personalized consultations and natural solutions.
- Maria Luisa Tognon, V.le Venti Settembre, 11, 34126 Trieste, Italy, specialized in naturopathic care, offers personalized wellness consultations. Google rating: 4.8. Her services include natural therapies, nutritional advice, and relaxation.
- Ashram Il Tempio del Benessere, Via Giosuè Carducci, 30, 34125 Trieste, Italy: Specialized in Ayurvedic massages, energy treatments, relaxation. Customer rating: 4.8/5 on Google. Services: meditation, holistic therapies.
- Naturalella, Via S. Nicolò 33, 34121 Trieste, Italy: natural store specialized in organic and eco-friendly products, offering cosmetics, supplements, and also food. Google rating: 4.7/5.

Other recommended naturopaths
- Vibritù de Lucia Cal : Naturopathy, Integrated Foot Reflexology, Chromopuncture, as well as Chinese Medicine. Specialist in natural well-being. Google Rating: 4.8/5. Address: Via Silvio Pellico, 1, 34122 Trieste, Italy.
- Studio di Naturopatia LCM de Luca Capece Minutolo, Piazza XXX Aprile 9, Via Trieste del Grosso, 72, 62100 Chieti MC, Italy. Specialties: naturopathy, wellness. Services: personalized consultations. Google rating: 4.8.
- Marco Massaggi, Via S. Francesco D'Assisi, 6, 34133 Trieste TS, Italy, specializes in therapeutic and relaxing massages. Services: wellness massages, sports massages, and even lymphatic drainage. Google rating: 4.8/5.
- Centro Olistico Il Giardino degli Angeli, Via del Coroneo, 41/2, 34133 Trieste TS, Italy: holistic treatments, reiki, therapeutic massages. Google rating: 4.8/5. Serenity and well-being in the heart of Trieste.
In conclusion
Trieste is full of talented naturopaths offering various approaches to well-being. Feel free to explore other practitioners in the city to find one that meets your needs.

How to define naturopathy?
Naturopathy is a holistic health approach that focuses on strengthening the body's self-healing abilities. Its main pillars are a healthy diet, regular physical activity, stress management as well as the use of natural remedies such as plants and essential oils. Inspired by hygienist practices and traditional medicines, it has its origins in ancient Greece with Hippocrates and took its current form in the 19th century in Europe and the United States. It aims for prevention and overall well-being through a healthy lifestyle but also body-mind-emotion harmony.
What are the plants most commonly used in naturopathy?
In naturopathy, plants such as chamomile for relaxation, ginger for digestion, echinacea to strengthen immunity as well as St. John's wort to improve mood are frequently used. The practice also includes natural approaches such as aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, nutrition and manual techniques such as massages. Naturopathy thus aims to strengthen the immune system, reduce stress, promote better digestion, improve sleep and contribute to gentle pain management.
What does a naturopathy session consist of?
A naturopathy session allows the practitioner to assess the client's vitality through their diet, stress level and sleep, then offer natural solutions, such as plants, dietary recommendations and relaxation techniques. Other gentle methods such as acupuncture, reflexology, sophrology or even homeopathy also complement this approach by strengthening natural self-healing abilities.
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