Where to find the best CBD Shop in Bologna?

The best CBD Shop in Bologna

The city

Bologna , nicknamed the "Dotta" (the scholar) because of its famous university founded in the 11th century, is a vibrant Italian city located in the Emilia-Romagna region. Famous for its medieval towers, extensive arcades, and preserved architecture, Bologna offers a unique blend of history and modernity. Its rich gastronomic heritage, with specialties such as Bolognese pasta, also makes it a culinary paradise. The city vibrates with the rhythm of culture, art and education, creating a lively and welcoming atmosphere.

What can you visit in Bologna?

      • Piazza Maggiore
      • Palazzo dell’Archiginnasio
      • Asinelli Tower
      • Madonna Di San Luca Sanctuary
      • Basilica of San Petronio
      • Quadrilatero district
      • Villa Spada

What events are celebrated in Bologna ?

      • Artefiera Bologna (January)
      • Cinema Ritrovato (June/July)
      • San Petronio (October)
      • Bologna Jazz Festival (November)
Bologne Basilica Di San Petronio

Where can you find the best CBD Shop in Bologna ?

The legalization of CBD, combined with growing consumer demand, has paved the way for many CBD shops to be established on the streets of Bologna . Some, thanks to the quality of their products and their expertise, have been able to distinguish themselves and become the preferred addresses for purchasing CBD products.

According to customer reviews, three of the city's CBD Shops have managed to capture the hearts of consumers. First up, find the Jamaica Canapa Store located in Via Irnerio, 35/C. This CBD Shop offers different high quality products. Likewise, the Foglie d’erba located at Via Della Grada, 4f, sells products which are very appreciated for their diversity as well as for their quality. Then in third place, discover the Lab Canapa Shop at Via Toscana, 78/b. which offers you a wide range of CBD flowers but also an extensive range of smoking accessories.

Although these three CBD shops are the darlings of Bari consumers, you of course have the possibility of discovering others in various locations around the city. Like for example while strolling through the Quadrilatero district or near the Museo per la Memoria di Ustica and many other streets.

Bologne Piazza Maggiore

Fast delivery of CBD in Bologna

Explore our wide selection of CBD products and benefit from fast delivery in Bologna to your home but also to a relay point, in just 72 hours.

What are the best wellness salons in Bologna?

Over the past few decades, the healthcare industry has seen significant expansion globally. The persistent search for well-being has led to the creation of thousands of establishments around the world, aimed at meeting the diverse needs of the population.

If you are also longing for a moment of well-being, here is a brief list of the best wellness salons in Bologna:

Where can you find the best Yoga classes in Bologna?

Yoga offers a multitude of benefits for both the body and the mind. As a true ally of well-being, it soothes the body and mind from accumulated stress while strengthening the muscles.

If you also want to discover the benefits of Yoga, here are the three best Yoga classes in Bologna :

Where are the best CBD Shops in other major Italian cities?

Where to buy natural, effective CBD products at the right price?

What are the must-see places? Where are the most zen Well-being institutes? The best plans for finding quality CBD? Is there a Yoga class near you? Rest assured, we have carried out the investigation for you.

Follow the guide and discover the best CBD Shops in the biggest cities in Italy:

  • Bari
  • Bologna
  • Catania
  • Florence
  • Genoa
  • Milano
  • Naples
  • Palermo
  • Rome
  • Turin

  • *Our two accomplices regularly explore new cities, in order to find new addresses to share with us. Each month they enrich the list of cities presented in this guide.