Best Naturopaths in Oviedo
Where can I find the best Naturopaths in Oviedo?
This article aims to present some of the most renowned naturopaths in Oviedo. This selection, although incomplete, is based on their reputation and online patient testimonials. Furthermore, we will also discuss the fundamental principles of naturopathy on this page.
Article updated on November 26, 2024.

Where can we find the best naturopaths in Oviedo?
Tratamientos Meraki, located at C. Foncalada, 10, 33002 Oviedo, offers consultations in naturopathy, phytotherapy, and energy therapies. Specializing in holistic well-being, it has a rating of 4.8/5 on Google.
Monkey Wellness, located at C. Nicolás Soria, 2, floor 1B, 33012 Oviedo, specializes in therapeutic massages, energy treatments, and relaxation. Additionally, it offers personalized services for well-being. Google rating: 4.9/5.
Yolanda Cros, located at C. de San Lázaro, 10, 33008 Oviedo, specializes in naturopathy, Bach flowers, and stress management. She offers personalized consultations for overall well-being. Google rating: 4.7/5.
Luz Fernández, located at Pepa Ojanguren, 10, 2nd, Office 7, 33002 Oviedo, specializes in naturopathy and energy therapies. She offers personalized consultations for overall well-being. Google rating: 4.9/5.

Additional recommended naturopaths
Mi Calle de París, located at C. Matemático Pedrayes, 9, 1ºDerecha Oficina 3, 33005 Oviedo. It offers naturopathy treatments, emotional well-being, and relaxation. Furthermore, users praise it for its expertise and rate it 4.8/5 on Google.
Carlos, specialist in bioneuroemotion, located at Calle Silla del Rey, 18, 33013 Oviedo, offers consultations for emotional management and mental well-being. Therefore, users rate his services with a Google score of 4.8/5.
Luis Ignacio Bachiller Rodríguez, located at Pl. de América, 2, 9* L33005, Oviedo. Furthermore, he specializes in naturopathy, homeopathy, and natural therapies. He offers consultations to improve health and balance. Google rating: 4.8/5.
Florenti González, located at C. Asturias, 31, Bajo Izq, 33004 Oviedo, is also an expert in naturopathy and nutrition. He therefore offers personalized consultations in natural health and wellness. Google rating: 4.7/5.
In summary
These practitioners offer a holistic approach to enhance your well-being. Many other talented naturopaths are also waiting for you in Oviedo to meet your specific needs and promote your health naturally.

What is the concept of naturopathy?
Naturopathy is a holistic health approach that stimulates the body's natural healing abilities. Based on principles such as a balanced diet, exercise, stress management and the use of natural remedies (plants, essential oils), it draws inspiration from hygienist traditions and dates back to Hippocrates in ancient Greece, although that its modern form emerged in the 19th century in Europe and the United States. Indeed, it favors prevention, listening to the body and a healthy lifestyle for optimal health.
Are there specific plants widely used in naturopathy?
Naturopaths often use plants like chamomile for relaxation, ginger for digestion, echinacea to support the immune system, and St. John's wort to improve mood. This approach also includes natural methods such as aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, nutrition and manual techniques, such as massage, to promote stress management, better digestion, quality sleep, strengthening immunity and gentle pain relief.
What do we do during a naturopathy session?
The naturopath analyzes diet, stress and sleep to assess vitality. It actually offers natural solutions: medicinal plants, nutritional advice, relaxation. Complementary techniques such as acupuncture, reflexology or homeopathy support the body's self-healing abilities.
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