Where to find the best CBD Shop in Turin?

The best CBD Shop in Turin

The city

Turin, located in northern Italy, is an iconic city combining history, culture and elegance. Known for its Baroque architecture, it is home to gems such as the Mole Antonelliana and the Turin Cathedral which houses the Holy Saire. As the birthplace of the Italian automotive industry, Turin is also renowned for its rich artistic heritage, delicious culinary specialties and cosmopolitan ambiance.

What can you see in Turin?

      • The Mole Antonelliana
      • The Palazzo Reale
      • Church of Santa Maria del Monte dei Cappuccini
      • Piazza San Carlo
      • Egyptian Museum
      • Palatine Gate
      • Superga

What are the traditional festivals of Turin ?

      • The Feast of San Giovanni Bosco (January)
      • Turin Carnival (February)
      • The Feast of the Madonna di Torino (June)
      • The Feast of San Giovanni (June)
      • The Feast of Saint-Saire (May, every 10 years)
Turin Palazzo Reale

Where can you find the best CBD Shop in Turin ?

The decision of the European Commission to legalize CBD in 2020 paved the way for the establishment of numerous CBD Shops across the European Union, and thus on the streets of Turin . Faced with growing demand, these establishments are seeking to expand their product ranges and guarantee the highest possible quality to satisfy their customers. So if you are looking for quality CBD products in Turin , here are the three best CBD Shops in the city:

At the top of the list, you will discover Erba Volant, located Via Eusebio Bava, 10A, which sells flowers, oils, cosmetics, and even clothing containing hemp fibers. Focused on well-being, all their products are selected for their exceptional quality and their potential benefits for different pathologies. Then, Canapa House, established in Via Giuseppe Baretti, 28, in the San Salvario district a few minutes from Porta Nuova station, offers for sale oils, seed growing equipment, flowers, all presented in an atmosphere bright and warm. Finally, the CBD Shop Cannabis Culto at Corso S. Martino, 1, with its different ranges of CBD products or related to it, lives up to the other two, offering a diversity and quality that will meet your expectations.

Although these three CBD stores are the darlings of Turin consumers, you of course have the possibility of discovering others in various locations around the city. Like for example by strolling Via Urbano Rattazzi, Via S. Secondo, Via Nizza or even in the Quadrilatero Romano district as well as in other nice corners of Turin .

Turin Piazza San Carlo

Fast delivery of the best CBD Shop Turin

We take care to meticulously select each product to ensure an attractive quality/price ratio. Explore our assortment and benefit from delivery to your home or to the relay point of your choice in Turin in just 72 hours.

Where are the best wellness salons in Turin?

The growing importance of the importance of well-being has had a strong impact on our way of life. The integration of practices focused on well-being becomes essential to promote a balance conducive to a calm and fulfilling life. This awareness has led to the creation of thousands of wellness establishments across the world, thereby offering a variety of solutions to meet diverse needs.

Do you also want to feel this feeling of total well-being and relax? Here is a brief list of the best wellness salons in Turin:

Who are the best Yoga teachers in Turin ?

Yoga has many benefits that act simultaneously on the body and mind. It provides a feeling of total well-being thanks to breathing and meditation exercises. It plays a crucial role in reducing stress and promoting the physical and mental balance essential to a fulfilling life.

Take the time to relax and come take part in classes from the most popular teachers in Turin :

Where are the best CBD Shops in other major Italian cities?

Where to buy natural, effective CBD products at the right price?

What are the must-see places? Where are the most zen Well-being institutes? The best plans for finding quality CBD? Is there a Yoga class near you? Rest assured, we have carried out the investigation for you.

Follow the guide and discover the best CBD Shops in the biggest cities in Italy:

  • Bari
  • Bologna
  • Catania
  • Florence
  • Genoa
  • Milano
  • Naples
  • Palermo
  • Rome
  • Turin

  • *Our two accomplices regularly explore new cities, in order to find new addresses to share with us. Each month they enrich the list of cities presented in this guide.