Best Naturopaths in Florence
Where can I find the best naturopaths in Florence?
This article aims to present some of the best naturopaths in Florence, selected for their reputation and online patient reviews. It also provides an opportunity to recall the fundamental principles of naturopathy.
Article updated on November 7, 2024.

Which naturopaths are the most appreciated in Florence?
- Lucia Venanti Naturopata, Via Lorenzo di Credi, 20, 50135 Florence FI, Italy. Specialties: phytotherapy, nutrition, emotional management. She offers naturopathy consultation services, personalized wellness programs, as well as dietary advice. Google rating: 4.9/5.
- Studio of Naturopathy and Integrated Holistic Techniques, at Via del Motrone, 2, 50127 Florence FI, Italy specializes in emotional balance, natural nutrition, as well as energy therapies. Services: naturopathy consultations, holistic treatments, wellness workshops. Google rating: 4.9/5.
- Soul Lab - Foot Reflexology and Naturopathy, Via Ungheria, 16, 50129 Florence FI, Italy. Specializes particularly in foot reflexology, naturopathy, and stress management. Services: personalized care, natural therapies, wellness support. Google rating: 4.9/5.
- Dott.ssa Silvia Pizzolante - dietitian, nutritionist, naturopath, Bach flower therapist (or floral therapist), aromatherapist as well as reflexologist, at Via Pistoiese, 410/A, 50145 Florence FI, Italy. Specialties: nutrition, aromatherapy, reflexology. Services: meal plans, floral therapies, aromatic treatments. Google rating: 4.9/5.

Other naturopathy practitioners to discover
- Elisa Pasquini Naturopata, Viale Eleonora Duse, 12, 50137 Florence FI, Italy. Specialties: phytotherapy, anxiety management, as well as digestive health. Services: naturopathy consultations, personalized programs, nutrition advice. Google rating: 4.9/5.
- ALMA QUANTUM, Via A. Meucci, 26, 50041 Calenzano FI, Italy. Specialties: integrative medicine, energy therapy, nutrition. Services: health assessments, energy treatments, nutritional programs. Google rating: 4.9/5.
- Laura Mancini Tamburini, Via dei della Robbia, 50132 Florence FI, Italy. Specialties: nutrition, detox, phytotherapy. Services: personalized health assessments, detox programs, as well as phytotherapy advice. Google rating: 4.9/5.
- Francesco Lasi, Via Carlo di Sostegno Alfieri, 9, 50127 Florence FI, Italy. Specialties: phytotherapy, nutrition, pain management. His services include individual consultations, wellness programs, and natural health advice. Google rating: 4.7/5.
In short
Florence is teeming with renowned naturopaths, dedicated to providing natural care for optimal well-being and life balance. Other talented practitioners are also waiting to be discovered, ready to accompany you in a personalized and holistic health approach.

What is naturopathy?
Naturopathy is a holistic approach to health that, in addition, encourages the body’s natural healing processes. Anchored in principles such as a balanced diet, physical exercise, stress management as well as the use of natural remedies (plants, essential oils), it is inspired by hygienist traditions and dates back to Hippocrates in ancient Greece. . Its modern form took shape in the 19th century, particularly in Europe and the United States. Naturopathy advocates prevention, listening to the body and a healthy lifestyle for lasting health.
What plants are commonly used in naturopathy?
Among the plants most used in naturopathy are chamomile, which promotes relaxation, ginger for digestion, echinacea to strengthen immunity and St. John's wort for emotional balance. Other natural techniques, such as aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, nutritional advice and massages, also complement this holistic approach, with benefits on immunity, stress, digestion and body-mind harmony.
How does a naturopathy session work?
During a consultation, the naturopath assesses the client's eating habits, stress level and sleep. Subsequently, he offers personalized recommendations: medicinal plants, nutritional advice and relaxation methods. The naturopath can also use complementary techniques such as acupuncture, herbal medicine and reflexology, promoting an overall rebalancing of the body and mind.
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