Can CBD help with PMS?

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Femmes qui a des douleurs menstruelles

Can CBD relieve PMS?

Written by: Arthur Leclerc


Can CBD Relieve PMS?

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The week before menstruation can be, for some women, synonymous with physical and emotional problems. This is called premenstrual syndrome or “PMS”.

The most common symptoms appear in the form of abdominal pain and the breasts become more tender. Mood swings are also noted, which can cause anxiety or even depression.

CBD: Potential relief?

There is no specific treatment for PMS, but there are remedies that can help relieve these symptoms.

This is particularly the case for cannabidiol, one of the chemical compounds present in the cannabis plant, known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties . There is growing interest in CBD due to the potential of its therapeutic properties to relieve PMS symptoms.

Studies show that CBD canrelieveabdominal pain and cramping associated with PMS. Work in 2018 found that the use of cannabidiol led to a significant reduction in pain in women with PMS. Another concordant study carried out on mice confirmed this reduction in inflammatory markers thanks to the molecule.


When it comes to emotional disorders, research conducted in 2020 showed that the use of CBD led to a significant reduction in anxiety and depression in women with PMS.

It should be noted that most studies on the use of CBD to relieve these symptoms have been carried out in animals and that additional studies are necessary to precisely evaluate the effectiveness of the molecule in humans. . However, the first results are hopeful and the benefits speak for themselves.

Which products to choose to reduce PMS?

To relieve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, different options are available to you:


Daily use of CBD for PMS is quite simple. Start with the dosage suggested on the products and increase slightly until you feel relief.

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, CBD is a real alternative for relieving PMS symptoms.

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