The different methods of extracting CBD
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CBD extraction methods

Written by: Arthur Leclerc


CBD extraction methods: Which one to choose?

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We offer several ranges of CBD-infused products such as oils, capsules and gummies . To make these derivatives, CBD must first be extracted from raw hemp. The two safest and healthiest CBD extraction methods are ethanol extraction or supercritical CO2 extraction .

There are several reasons why the ethanol CBD extraction method is favored over CO2:

  • Ethanol is a natural solvent that is considered safe and is used in particular in the food and medical fields.

  • It is also easy to use and dispose of, which explains its success for cannabinoid extraction.

  • Ethanol is in fact capable of extracting a large quantity of cannabinoids and terpenoids from hemp plants in a single step. This makes it possible to capture a large majority of the molecules naturally present in hemp. The finished products thus benefit from the full spectrum of cannabinoids, flavonoids, terpenes and other molecules. This process therefore makes it possible to produce high quality concentrated CBD oils which benefit from the entourage effect .

  • In addition, ethanol makes it possible to better isolate certain molecules such as acidified cannabinoids and non-volatile terpenoids, something difficult to achieve with CO2.
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More ecological

The ethanol extraction method for CBD is also considered to be moreecologicalthan CO2 extraction because it is a natural solvent that can be eliminated. It is generally less expensive than CO2 extraction because it requires less equipment and specialized labor.

CBD extraction methods: The advantages of CO2 extraction

The CO2 CBD extraction method is considered purer because it does not use a solvent; there are therefore no residues in the final product.

It also allows you to adjust the temperature and pressure to extract different cannabinoids and terpenoids. However, this method is morecostlyand requires more processing to obtain a high-quality final product. It is therefore significantly less ecological.

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